What is she doing?

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Notes: Faith has a hangover and Ace is fed up.

It was the following day and Faith was wasted from the night before not knowing that her mama was in New York and had spotted her at a place to where she shouldn't be.

Faith had gone to that place numerous times to get what she needs to get and go on about her business. This was where she was getting all of her illegal alcohol from Toya's place was literally the plug for all things bad in New York. This was Toya's place of work.

So she wasn't no stranger to it she knew exactly what went on especially when she was finally able to go there herself instead of having someone else go there for her because of her being so young the first time. If you were under the age of 18 you at least had to be 16 to get in or to know somebody which was Faith's go to was to have one of her older friends get it for her.

 While she was at home in her penthouse she was laying across her bed having a hangover to the point where she couldn't even get up and feed Ace as he was just shaking his mama.

"Aceee noo." Faith whined not being able to do anything because the alcohol had gotten to her.

"Mamaaa." He lightly cried poking out his lips like how his nana would while holding his sippy cup and so when Faith didn't get out of the bed the third time after he had shook her trying to wake her up he hit her hard as hell in the head with his sippy cup giving her a head ache and then walking away in the kitchen singing "nanaaa, nanaaa, nanaaa" knowing that he was about to call his nana again to come get him and to tell on his mama for not feeding him because if anything anytime that Faith had a hangover she was on the verge of child neglect. Which was why she had actually stopped drinking so much because she didn't want to be that type of parent but she was falling right back in that trap while she was out here being on her own.

So now here Ace was yanking a cabinet door open since Faith didn't have child protection locks on all of them going into the snack cabinet and grabbed him a bag of candy putting it on the floor in front of him only for him to walk over to the refrigerator and swinging the door open to get his juice which he was only supposed to have a certain amount of it so he wouldn't drink it all. But since Faith wasn't doing her job as a mother she really couldn't get mad at the fact that Ace had took matters into her own hands and started to feed himself because a child could easily starve to death if they are not properly looked after and whenever Ace wanted to eat he always found him something to eat.

So here he was sitting on the kitchen floor eating the bag of candy and drinking his juice however he pleased since his mama obviously didn't care. 

And after Ace had got finished feeding himself some breakfast he had threw the bag of candy on the table to where he could get it for the next time since it was too difficult to put in the cabinet again and he had left his juice out for later. Then he had went back into his room crawling on his bed going on his tablet to call his nana while he was singing her phone number while Faith was asleep.

"Hellooo?!" Karen said as she answered the phone for her grandbaby. "Nanaaa I'm hungryyy." Ace immediately said after that candy ain't do nuthin' for him but keep him from being really hungry.

"Your mama not awake?!" Karen asked him and Ace shook his head no.

"She sleep. She won't wake up." Ace said trying to tell her that he was trying to get his mama awake but she just kept on going back to sleep and rubbing her head after Ace had smacked her with his sippy cup.

And Karen had looked at the time and she had seen what time it was now.

"Baby show me your mama." Karen said wanting to see how Faith looked now.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora