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Notes: Faith gets taken to the hospital with a surprising twists of events.

Right after Faith's water had broke she had felt minimal pain but it didn't last as long as she thought it was gonna last.

"Faith we gotta get you to the hospital!" Karen said as she held her daughter upright since, Faith was leaning over a little bit trying to straighten herself up. "Wheww that was the worst five seconds of my lifeee." Faith said taking in a deep breath and exhaling.

"Chileee come on and let's go." Karen said trying to rush her out of the door after, Drew had came out running with his keys already in his hands.

"Did she make an overnight bag?!" Drew asked them.

And, Karen had turned to her daughter. "Nahh." Faith said and they  just looked at her shaking her head not even worried about yelling at her since that wasn't as important right now knowing that someone will make one for her.

"Let's go before your contractions start again." Karen told her and so they were off to the hospital.

Also immediately, Faith was rushed into the labor and delivery getting checked out.

"Hmmm that's weird but it's not uncommon." One of the doctors said examining her.

"We just don't see this as often." The doctor told her as she had checked to see if she was even dilated.

"What's wrong?!" Faith asked her sitting herself up on the table.

"Ooh well it's just not you're not dilated." She said after she was done examining Faith.

"Anddd is that a bad thing what does that meannn?!" Faith questioned her while Karen had placed her hand on hip after she had arched her eyebrow at the young doctor.

"Well it means that even though your water have broken and you've had very little contractions since being here as we've noticed and discussed. Your baby is still taking it's time to make her way out. Sometimes I like to think of this as a grand entrance." The doctor said trying to calm, Faith's nerves.

"Grand entrance?!" Faith slightly hollered while shaking her head no.

"No, no, no, nooo this is karmaaa for what happened with N'ylani." Faith said still feeling bad about it.

"Faith don't worry about that." Nikki said, "It's not karma." Nikki said. "Don't even do that to yourself. I told you I already forgave you and I meant it from the bottom of my soul. Don't even blame yourself for what happened. Whatever God has planned for us we know that everything is gonna work out for our good and then God is still gonna get all the glory from it. Yes I be worried sick about what happened with N'ylani with what she has to go through as a baby. But I don't blame you for it. It is not your fault about what happened. So don't beat yourself up about it. Ace's best friend is gonna be alright." Nikki said while Karen just rubbed, Faith's shoulder and nodded her head in agreement already saying a silent prayer for everyone in the room and after she got with the prayer she said to herself, "I raised some stronggg girls." Karen said already getting emotional.

"Okayy." Faith said as she was pouting her lips looking like their mama with the both of them giving her a kiss on each one of her cheeks at the same time. "Muahhh!" They said at the same time being dramatic.

"Ewwww." Faith jokingly said pretending to wipe off their kisses since she didn't like being all mushy out in public but secretly she didn't mind. Because even she was mushy and very affectionate towards her mama and older sister when they didn't feel like it. Which is who she got it from.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now