Baby shower thangzzz

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Notes: A continuation of the baby shower from the last chapter.

Once everybody had greeted everyone as well as the honorees now they were situated up front where the stage setup was at.

Here they were receiving gifts from their family members and friends while Audrey kept trying to get out of Faith's arms to go too Drew hollering on and off for him.

"Let her go to Drew." Karen happily said watching her grand baby act a fool. "She act like she can't take one mo' picture." Faith said trying to get Audrey to stay still for it after they had just taken about twenty of them. "Drew come sit next to her so she can be happy." Karen told him making everyone laugh including himself and so he had to pull up a chair and suddenly, Audrey was being well-behaved again.

"Mmh. Just spoiled." Faith jokingly said because now Audrey was as happy as could be while they were opening up the presents and taking pictures at the same time.

"Awee Dorinda open yours first." Karen said smiling at her as if she was a kid again.

"Mhhh." Dorinda said still not too happy about the idea that she was having a baby again.

But then when she had took the outfits out and showed everyone she had to admit they were cute.

"Aweee this is sooo adorableeee." Dorinda said not realizing that there was a second outfit behind it. "Look Dorinda take them apart." Karen told her helping out her older sister.

"Aweee this is cute--." Dorinda had started to say until she had looked at what it had said on the shirts. "Double trouble." Dorinda said arching her eyebrow up.

"Who got me this?!!" She said as she started to fuss looking around as if she was gonna fight them immediately.

"From meee!" Karen happily said clapping her hands.

"Not uhh. Not uhh. Not uhhh. You keep that for you and your babies. I'm only having one." Dorinda told her.

"Nahh I think you got twins." Karen said smiling at her while nodding her head.

"Now why would you say something like that?!" Dorinda whined.

"I don't got no twins y'all. It's only one baby up in here don't listen to her. You ova there puttin' stuff on me. I'm tellin' mama you tryin' to curse me or sumthin'." Dorinda playfully cried.

"What I'm just sayin' y'all know my words have power and y'all know some stuff becoming true because me and the Lord is tighttt." Karen said smiling happily at her sister and Dorinda just shook her head at her.

"I hope He won't answer your prayers of me having twins because not uh. Not uhhh." Dorinda said shaking her head.

"About to make me form a prayer circle right now to rebuke that in the name of Jesus." Dorinda said being so serious about it but she was still making everybody laugh at the same time.

"Dorinda stop trying to pray my grandbabies away!" Mattie said not minding if Dorinda had twins again.

"Mamaaa. I know you don't want me to have twins either?!" Dorinda said acting as if she was shocked and hurt being all dramatic with it.

"And if I do?!" Mattie dramatically told her while putting a hand on her hip.

"Mama. But mama you see how many kids Karen and Drew have ain't them enuff grand kids for youuu?!" Dorinda screeched not believing her mama.

"I'm a grandma do you expect for my answer to be yes?!" Mattie smartly told her.

"Yeahhhh!" Dorinda dramatically said while nodding her head all hard.

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