It's getting real

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Notes: Karen goes back to Dr.Womack to see how she's been dealing with her treatment.

After Karen had won the case against Denise her and Drew had celebrated.

And lets just say that Drew had made sweet love to his wife instead of their usual roughness that goes on in bed. But when Drew had switched it up for her Karen couldn't believe how quickly she had got her fix in. But she wasn't surprised because Drew was always the one to lay it down on her.

Luckily, Karen didn't have to be quiet since the older kids had decided to stay the night at their grandma's Mattie's house letting there parents have the house to themselves which mean that Karen was screaming at the top of her lungs since Drew had felt so good too her with him screaming out her name as well.

Once they were done they had laid in each others arms sweaty and naked with the covers being thrown over the both of them.

"That was amazinggg." Karen said as she was making eights on his chest with her smiling at him.

"Whyy thank you." Drew playfully said making Karen chuckle.

Even though Karen was going through it she still could live her life she just had to re-adjust too it and take things more slowly.

Which brought her to the conclusion of wanting to perform again so she brought the conversation up with Drew as it was just silence in between them.

"Drewww?" Karen said slightly whining his name.

"Mmhmm?" He asked just being in bliss as he smiled with his wife wrapped around his waist.

"Do you think I should go back to singing but just for a little bit?" Karen asked him.

"I mean if you want too." He told her. "It just can't be too much for you." He said worrying about his wife's health especially since she was pregnant and the baby bump was starting to show now more than ever.

"I just want you and our baby to be safe." Drew told her.

"I will be." Karen said. "It's-it's just that I just wanted to give this singing try one more try before I get really sick." Karen told him seeing that she had been struggling more often but Karen wasn't trying to let that stop her after getting prep talks and going to therapy with Dr.Womack.

"Then okay you can do it." Drew said. "You have my support 100%." Drew said and so, Karen had kissed her husband on the lips lightly gripping her waist as he had brought her closer to him even though she was already close as she could possibly get to him.

"Well if I'm a do this then I might as well call, Cece." Karen said as Drew was holding his wife in his arms as she laid on top of him with Drew wanting to know why.

"Oh?" Drew said as if he knew where this conversation was headed too.

"Yeah." Karen told him.

"I-I think it's time that I just get the rest of my hair shaved off. I don't wanna keep dealing with the fall out." Karen told him. "And wearing the wigs keep making it worse whenever I try to take them off and it's not like I can really keep hiding the patches." Karen said not being able to say the word "bald" without getting emotional so she just kept it at patches and Drew what his wife meant.

"If you think you need to do it then it's okay. You can still look good with a hair cut." Drew told his wife giving her some encouragement. "And if you want too you can still wear wigs without anything really happening and you just look good either way too me." Drew said not really caring if his wife was bald or not. He loved her anyhow.

Then, Karen knew she was gonna need another therapy session before that hair appointment even came because her hair was everything to her and to some it can be an emotional process when doing a big chop.

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