The address of the First Lady

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Notes: Karen addresses the church about the video that was made.

It was the next day and Karen was sitting in the living room with the laptop that she had got herself when she was in school working on her GED. No, it wasn't old. But it  wasn't the best laptop. But it was hers and it got her through and she loved it. It was the first thing she had bought on her own without anyone telling her what to get and to her this was a big deal for her to have and she wasn't letting it go until it started crumbling on her own.

So now here she was trying to write a letter about what occurred in the video and why and then she was gonna have Faith to help film it for her. She already had a feeling that she was gonna have to possibly give an interview so why not start things off with a video letter introducing herself to the people and who she was now since they seemed to know so much about her.

She was going to set the record straight and she was going to do it in the most professional way that she knew how.

But not only that she was going to have Drew look over her letter for her since he was a teacher before becoming a pastor. Yes he was a math teacher but his writing skills was still on par. If anything he could've been an English teacher if he had wanted to but he was too good with money to do that. So he did what he knew how to do best which was why they were so wealthy now.

"Mama what you doing?!" Faith asked her coming up behind her mama seeing her working apparently. "Working on a letter for the church you're gonna help me film it." Karen said with her eyes widening as she had went back to typing it and then, Nikki had came downstairs asking "what everybody was doing" as she had sat beside her mama.

"Ma you need a new laptop." Faith said tilting her head as she was seeing how her mama was typing on it. "Ain't nothing wrong with it." Karen said shooing her daughter away.

"Mmhmm." Nikki said nodding her head. "It's all slowww and the wifi is fast in this house mama who got this for you was it auntie Dorinda?!" They asked her knowing how cheap their auntie Do could be sometimes.

"No. I got this myself when I was working on getting my GED." Karen said arching her eyebrows at her daughter. "It's not that slow. It's works perfectly fine." Karen said as she was now trying to save her letter but that was taking forever as they just watched their mama struggle with it.

Then they started shaking their heads.

"How long you had that?!" Faith questioned her mama while looking at her like she had made a bad choice in getting a laptop. "For a while now." Karen said eyeing Faith.

"Mmh." Faith said as if it was bad.

"And it's already messed up couldn't be me." Faith told her shaking her head.

"Whateva I'm almost done with this letter. I just gotta give it to Drew to look over it." Karen said being annoyed with them while they were ova there snickering at their mama.

"We gonna get you straight ma." Faith said being all dramatic with it.

"I won't have my mama being old school with a new school generation." Faith said shaking her head. "Y'all betta leaveee my laptop alone." Karen told them.

"Mhhh." Nikki said already planning on getting her a new one while she had made eye contact with her little sister.

"Now I'm done." Karen said finishing up her last paragraph and then calling Drew to let her know that she was gonna walk into his office with it.

So here they were following there mama into his office.

"Aight print it out." He said and so, Karen was struggling with printing it out with the girls just staring at her until Nikki had to go over there and help fix whatever was wrong.

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