Reaction time

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Notes: Faith does a rate-my-outfits video to get Karen's reaction.

Today was a Thursday evening and it was a pretty chill day for the Sheard's after everyone did what they was supposed to do for therapy. Now that Faith was recovering nicely and was off of bed rest she was back to messing with her mama on a daily basis getting a great idea to make a video after she was going through some of her mama's old things while they were gone.

Now here Nikki was in Faith's room hanging out with her little sister as she watched, Faith turn on her camera and set it up after talking to Nikki about it.

"Aight so I'm a do a reaction video because I love messin' with my mama she's so funny especially when she's not trying to be." Faith said in front of the camera.

"And so what I did was told my oldest sister, Nikki to go get her and so she's coming and I bought some explicit and decent clothing to see how she would react to them. And also, I got some of my mom's old clothes in here as well she might kill me y'all so just pray for meh because this clothes have a lil backstory to it. So keep me in your prayers and Nikki will tell y'all when my funeral is." Faith giggled.

"Whewww chileee I's scared for you." Nikki said shaking her head.

"Mmh. Mama's comin'." Nikki said looking out of Faith's room door as she had went to go take her seat on Faith's bed.

"Mommy come sit down." Faith said. "Wave hi to the cameraaaa." Faith told her and Karen just stared at her and folded her arms. "Hi." Karen said knowing that Faith was about to work her last nerve with whatever she had planned up her sleeve. "Don't mind her she's just like that sometimes." Faith said talking into the camera while smiling.

"What you want me to see?" Karen said looking at her daughter wear a robe. "Some of my outfits that I bought and some that I found." Faith cheesing at her a little too hard.

"Mhm." Karen said looking her daughter up and down like she was up to no good.

"Alright so I'm a go put the first outfit on and the first category issss the color black cause I look good in black." Faith said while she had danced in between her words and Karen just shook her head. "My poor childddd." Karen playfully said making Faith grin while she went to go change and when she did she had came back out with a black string up pair of boots that was stringy all the way up to her thighs and a blazer jacket that showed some of her chest.

(This is the first outfit that Faith has on

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(This is the first outfit that Faith has on.)

"Faith what the hel-" Karen almost said on camera until she had remembered that Faith was recording this. "Girl what are you wearing have you LOST YOUR MINDDD?!" Karen hollered at her. "WHERE YOU THINK YOU WEARING THIS TOO?!" Karen questioned her. "The club. A photo shoot. Y'all know back stage surprises. VIP's." Faith said posing in the outfit with Karen frowning up her face. "You not wearin that no got da-I-I-meannn dawg on where!" Karen told her just stuttering.

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