What happened?

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Notes: Karen calls the family over Faith can tell them what happened to Ace while they was in New York.

It was the next day and everyone had came downstairs for breakfast and it was more quieter than usual. It was as if tension was in the air and Nikki didn't even sit next to Faith like she would've done because that was now her usual seat. But she went back to her original seat at the table to when her and Faith wasn't getting along when Faith had first moved in there with them.

When Faith came downstairs she was already dressed but her hair had looked liked a mess since she couldn't figure out what to do with it.

Drew had just placed Faith her breakfast on the table to just smoothen things out for her a little bit because he knew that she thought that everybody was mad at her.

When really they were just sorely disappointed but Nikki on the other hand was actually mad at her and she had meant that fight. So she wasn't apologizing for it because that was the last time that Faith done did it for her.

If anything all Nikki cared about was getting Ace back in a timely manner because when a child gets kidnapped or taken from their mother there's no telling if they would ever see them again or not and Nikki was hoping and praying that Ace would make it back home alright.

So here Faith was pulling up a seat right next to her mama while Karen was holding J.Drew in her arms feeding him and he was just looking at his big sister seeing the light bruise marks on her face that was fading away from what Nikki had gave her.

But the hand print that Karen had gave her was still there even though it was taking it's time to slowly fade away.

So now here Faith was just playing with her breakfast not being able to eat it as she had tried to take a bite but she had felt sick to her stomach after swallowing it.

It wasn't that the food was nasty, Drew wasn't that bad of a cook it was just that he didn't know how to add seasoning sometimes. But in this instance there was nothing wrong with it and she just thought it was weird. But not only that she thought that maybe she might've been going through depression about not having Ace around because the first week that he was gone while she was still in New York she could barely eat anything thinking about her baby or if he was being fed right knowing that he loved too eat.

Then when Faith was struggling to eat the breakfast she started crying at the table wiping her tears and everyone had just looked at her.

"Faith." Karen softly said as she had to re-arrange J.Drew in her arms while J.Drew was just looking at what was going on with having his fingers in his mouth chewing on his food.

"You gotta eat." Karen told her as she was now placing J.Drew down to sit on her lap.

"You gotta eat for Ace." She told her and Faith just cried even more.

So, Karen had felt bad for her and just started rubbing Faith's back not being able to stay mad at her for long because she knew that Faith needed her and Nikki had even softened up towards her sister and had took her plate and walked over to the chair that was next to Faith and sat next to her and she started eating her food again letting Faith know that even though they had to fight it out she still had her back and wasn't gonna let anything happen to Faith while trying to find Ace.

So the whole family was behind, Faith and Karen knew that it was at this moment in time that she couldn't let her other family members get on Faith no matter how bad they had wanted or how they had beat up Faith for letting Ace get kidnapped.

And Karen wasn't about to let them know that they too was mad at her and took it to a physical extent. But that was there personal business and Karen had told them that what happens in "the Sheard's household stays in the Sheard's household" and she meant that.

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