Help me

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Notes: Ace finally meets his best friend and Faith learns a lesson about bonding through a lecture that Karen gives her.

Later on that evening they had picked up the kids from Gia's house with Ace being eager to meet his best friend while Audrey had slept in the car.

Once they had gotten out of the car Ace was so excited to see his baby sister in full view.

"Is that herrrr, is that herrr?!" He kept asking his mama which made Faith happy that he was so excited to see her after how he didn't take to Terrell that well. So she was glad that his feelings towards his baby sister was different.

"Yess baby this is her." Faith said as she finally got herself situated and was able to carefully take her out of her car seat so Ace could properly meet his baby sister and of course, Karen immediately went and grabbed the camera to take a picture of the moment with Ace being right up underneath his mama smiling at his baby sister while she had opened her eyes to see him for the first time since she's been out-of-the-womb.

"She free?!" Ace asked his mama looking at her seeing that her stomach was no longer big and it took everything in Faith and everyone else to not laugh at him.

"Yess baby she's free. She's out." Faith told him fightin' for her life to keep from laughing.

"See." Faith said and so, Ace started talking to her and waving hi to her after Faith had told him her name. "We got A's in our nameee." Ace said figuring that they were really best friends now.

"Mmhmm that's righttt." Faith said proud of her son for making that connection.

"I'm a go get J.Drewww." Ace said turning himself around to slide off of the couch running to get him homie since, Day one.

So he had went to go get him from the playpen because J.Drew was not interesting in doing nothing but playing, being with his mama, or terrorizing his daddy at the moment who was upstairs with his wife.

"Come on our best friend is hereee." Ace said grabbing his hand and immediately, J.Drew had put his toys down and followed, Ace to go see them.

"This is Audreyyy." Faith said letting J.Drew see her but then he started scratching his head and looking around the room like he was looking for somebody.

"Kiaaaa?!" He said being confused as ever and Faith wanted to laugh again but she didn't.

"Nooo they just look a lot alike. But this is Audreyyy." Faith told him but then J.Drew had questioned, Faith's logic and was like aight.

"Seee she's a little smaller than Kia. But you have to look closely for it." Faith said seeing that they were only several months apart now that she thought about it. It was gonna be somewhat difficult for people to tell Kia and Audrey about because they looked almost identical.

And it looked like Karen had birthed, Audrey when she didn't.

"My genes just lost. Terrell's genes ain't even try to fight back." Faith said shaking her head from side-to-side.

"You got my mama's wholeeee entire faceeee." Faith said talking to her baby and Audrey was just smiling at her like she understood her.

"Look at you, you like looking like her don't you?!" She said to her and Audrey was just cooing away kicking her little feet in her mama's arms.

"She don't even look like my baby. Danggg." Faith said as she was examining her.

But while she was holding Audrey she did begin to get hungry and so she started crying.

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