What took so long? P1

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Notes:  Karen sees a video that Melody was looking at on her phone about Faith.

It was around two hours later when the girls finally decided to come back home because Faith was to afraid to come back after finding out her tests results. She had took them and it was a while to wait since planned parenthood had updated technology to get the pregnancy tests back faster and more accurately. Which was why she had wanted to go there to begin with.

"They gotta be wrong." Faith said as soon as they had got back into Nikki's car.

"Faith you made them take the test like two times. What more proof do you need?" Nikki questioned her while she had arched her eyebrow at her.

"I'm ova there having to hold you back because you wanted to knock everything over because of your poor decision making. I'm surprised you ain't get us kicked out." Nikki said shaking her head.

"Ughhhh how many times do I have to say that I'm sorryyy?!" Faith said lightly hollering at her.

"It's so much stress goin' on." She said putting her hand on her face to cover it as if she was about to cry but Nikki knew that she wasn't. She just had to over react for a good minute or two.

"You know I can't help it." Faith said.

"Mmmhmmmm." Nikki mumbled as she dragged it out.

"Did you even take your medicine?" Nikki asked her seeing how her sister was acting out in that doctors office. And Faith knew what type of medicine that she was talking about but Faith just nervously turned her head as she started scratching the side of her face.

"GIRLLLL!!!!" Nikki hollered out at her almost as if she was in shock with how she had hit her car steering wheel getting slightly mad because she knew what that meant and if Faith ain't take her medication then she knew that Faith been knew about this situation.

And she was just now letting them know because either one she was to afraid too tell them or two she was in denial about her being pregnant after coming back home from New York.

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Nikki hollered at her while she was in the car.

"YOU AIN'T EVEN ASK A QUESTION!" Faith hollered back at her.

"YES THE HELL I DIDDDD!" Nikki said being dramatic.

"YOU READ MINDSSS!" Nikki told her as she had angrily folded her arms because now they was really in deep mess if Faith had known and didn't tell anybody.

"You know I know my body." Faith said scratching her ear.

"It's yo fault you just went right along with me instead of dragging me straight to planned parenthood." Faith said trying to put the blame on Nikki.

"WAIT A MINUTE, NIE IT AIN'T ON ME TO KEEP WATCH OF WHAT YOU DO ALL THE TIME ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T ANSWER YOUR PHONEEEE OR YOUR TEXTSSS!" Nikki said hollering at her sister and then the next minute they knew they started arguing in the car with each other drawing a crowd from afar.


"I don't knowww." Faith said in a small baby voice while nervously shrugging her shoulders.

"You know what I can't help you if mama lash out on you because you done brought this on yourself because what do you meannn you don't knowww?!" Nikki questioned her again.

"It-it could be a couple of months." Faith said as she was nervously stuttering now because this situation just went from worse to worserrrr.

"Girl I can't help you. You gotta deal with mama on yo own. I already done lied to her for you. Lord, Jesus I'm a get my butt whooped for helping you out!" Nikki said as she had dramatically threw herself back in her car seat.

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