We need you

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Notes: Karen finally tells her family that she has cancer in the least way that they would expect it including herself.

Sidenote: It's a longgg chapter. 😭♥️

It was a Sunday morning and Karen and Drew was getting ready for church she didn't know why but Karen felt as if today was going to be different from all the days of when she had started to battle her sickness.

She had finally made it on her last leg of her second month of pregnancy and tomorrow she was going to be three months. Which meant she was about to start chemotherapy pretty soon and the baby was safely growing inside of her. So she didn't have to worry too much about it. But it was still a major risk for her to be doing this it just took some of the tension off of it knowing that she won't lose her baby so early on again.

It had been a while since Faith had that outburst with her mother in the car they hadn't really talked to each other. But Karen didn't mind it because it gave her room to not face the truth of what was about to happen for them as a family. But Karen also knew that Faith was trying to avoid her mother and it stung a little bit. But Karen just thought it would be for the best for now.

Now here she was looking in the mirror getting ready to put her last finishing touches on her dress. Lately she had been thinking about getting her hair cut all the way off since she felt like it wasn't serving a purpose anymore and it would just fall out whenever she would try to brush it.

But thinking about getting her hair cut because of the cancer had brought her some emotional tears so she couldn't think about it as much as she had wanted too.

If anything she had to call up, Cece and ask her if she could do her a favor knowing that Cece had gone to school for cosmetology and there she had learned how to do all things hair and makeup.

But she didn't exactly tell her what was going on yet since she didn't even had the guts to tell her own family first.

Which made Drew and Karen actually come up with a plan on how to tell them but Karen was unsure on if she was actually gonna go through with it which was why she was so nervous for today. It wasn't like she was going to tell them today but she just felt that something was going to happen today which was going to make everyone even outside of her family question her health.

But Karen knew that the truth had to come out because sooner or later she would be starting chemo soon and she needed her whole family there for her.

Drew had been trying his best to comfort his wife the best way he knew how but sometimes he just couldn't do it because it would be too much for him too.

Thus leading him to just go to his parents house one day just to sit there at their kitchen table with them simply just to break down into tears not saying a word about what was going on with his wife.

Mama Sheard didn't know what to do for her son because he couldn't answer any of her questions that he had and so she just hugged him as well papa Sheard.

Which led them to believe that Karen and Drew was really going through it they just wasn't telling anybody anything.

But now that she was singing today which Karen thought was going to be her last solo in church for a long time she knew she was gonna have to give it her all.

She was going to do her best through this performance even if that did mean she was still going to be afraid or if she was going to forget the words. She wasn't going to stop until the song was over and she wasn't going to run off the stage like she did the last time even though she had a very good reason for it she didn't want have to do that again much like the other times before that one where she did run off the stage due to fear.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now