A helping hand

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Notes:  A continuation from the last chapter.

Trigger warning: Mentions of STDs. Fluff. Y'all betta enjoy this mini fluff too and for the last few chapters before Book 5. I want y'all to take all this fluff in while y'all still can.😭😭 😭

It was the middle of the night when Karen and Drew was finally asleep after opening up to each other about what they had gone through when Karen was doing her cancer treatment.

However, she was still feeling a little bit sick from eating something that she wasn't supposed to be eating and it had her tossing and turning throughout the night while breaking out in sweats.

Now, Karen was lying down flat on her stomach trying to get herself to go back to sleep after eating only a little bit of Faith's food from earlier that day. But because she had ate her daughters food her stomach was still killing her. Which meant that the nausea that she was feeling earlier had returned back again. Here she was feeling sick as a dog with the nausea keeping her up and she knew this nausea wasn't related to her pregnancy as she had forced herself to get up off of her bed so she wouldn't get sick while laying down even more.

"You gotta be kidding me." Karen said holding her head while feeling a little bit light headed at the same time. "I didn't even have that much." Karen said as she was now slowly getting up but was also stumbling while trying to make it to the bathroom.

"Don't fail me now." Karen said to her legs as they were starting to feel mighty weak when she was only walking a short distance away from the bathroom.

But thankfully by the grace of God she had made it just in time before her knees had gave out on her being able to catch herself.

"Drewww." Karen whined a little loudly trying to wake him up because at this point the weakness in her body was getting worser and she was getting more lightheaded by the minute as she had struggled to hang onto the side of the door frame to try to keep her from falling.

"Drewwww!" Karen finally hollered out while immediately placing her left hand on the bed to shake it so he could get up.

"Hmm?!" He said popping up out of his sleep as if he was startled.

"Drew. Help me, help me to the bathroom." Karen said as had leaned her head on the door frame feeling like she was about to fall in any second now. When Drew had finally seen the state that his wife was in he had rushed over to try to catch her.

"Okayyy. I got you." Drew said seeing that he had gotten up just in time after he had heard, Karen calling for him. Now here he was holding his passed out wife in his arms.

"Lord what I'm gonna do?!" Drew said not knowing what to do for his wife but to lay her back down in the bed. So he had picked her up bridal style carrying her back into the bed.

He had noticed how hot she was when he was carrying her seeing that she was burning up from head-to-toe.

But he had done some quick thinking and suddenly something told him to grab the mini trash can that was in the corner of their room to put it to her side of the bed.

When he had did that she had popped up again as if she was scared again and vomited into the trash can with Drew patting his wife on the back for comfort.

"It's aight. It's aight." Drew said comforting his wife while taking care of her.

"I-I-I was trying to make it to the bathroom." Karen said trying to explain herself and then it had all clicked for Drew.

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