I fear...

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Notes: Faith tells Nikki a secret as she fears she had messed up for good this time.

It was the next day when Jacky had gotten up early in the morning to help get some of the babies ready for today already hearing a few of them awake on the baby monitor cooing and gurgling probably making spit bubbles since that's what Drewdora had tended to do as well as Ezra. So, now here Jacky was going to get the triplets ready thinking that Drew was already up helping with the twins since he was known to get up early. But since last night most of the kids had slept in his and Karen's room, Drew barely got any sleep so he was kinda knocked out.

So when she didn't hear him walking through the hallways after she had gotten ready for today she had knocked on there room door but when she didn't hear an answer she had cracked it open only to see the kids all in there room laying on the bed. It was as if the kids had a sleep over with their parents which Jacky thought was cute especially since that was kinda a way to help continue to keep Karen's spirits up while she's still recovering.

So here she was observing the scene before her especially since Ace was in his normal position in there bed which was Ace having his feet all over Drew's face since he couldn't sleep still after rolling away from Karen in the middle of the night with J.Drew being in between Ace and Karen. But more so, J.Drew was back in his original spot since Ace had gotten more comfortable with everyone.

Faith was laying her head on Karen's lap again with the covers pulled up over her and Nikki was laying on her mama's arm with the twins laid at the bottom of the bed near their mama.

So, Jacky just thought to herself smiling them kids loved their mama baddd. While Drew was ova there struggling for some love but she knew the kids loved him too. It was just something special about Karen. After Jacky had seen that she just let Drew sleep seeing that he probably needed it with how everyone was sleeping and she had went downstairs after knocking on Dorinda's door to tell her to come help since Drew was asleep. So she did helping to get her nieces and nephews ready.

By the time the babies were ready, Drew was finally awake smelling Ace's stinky feet moving them gently out of his way while he got up to get ready for today.

Luckily since the babies were dressed and he had talked with Jacky all he had to do was to make breakfast for everyone while they were just now waking up at around 10:30am. But Karen was still asleep getting the rest that her body had needed. While Jacky had went and got J.Drew ready after waking him up quietly knowing that Faith would wake up, Ace and get him ready along with how she knew that Nikki would get N'ylani ready.

By the time it was 11:30am everyone was downstairs except for Karen and Faith was just eating like she ain't never eat before.

"Is it that good to you?" Nikki asked teasing her little sister for eating all fast and a lot.

"Y'all know I like too eat." Faith said straight up ignoring that question. It was good but she was in a mood to just eat a lot and she didn't know why and she had felt this way for months especially after Ace had found his way back home to them.

"Mmhmmm." Nikki said arching an eyebrow to her.

"Now what's that's supposed to mean?!" Faith questioned her as she continued to eat her food.

"Ooh nuthin'." Nikki said as if she was nonchalant with it.

"I don't know what you tryin' to say or think but you gotta get rid of whateva that thought is that you cooked up in yo dramaticccc ole' minddd." Faith said being dramatic her ownself.

"Hmm and you say I'm dramatic?!" Nikki simply said as she had looked at her sister examining her before she went onto eat her breakfast while feeding N'ylani at the same time.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now