It takes a village

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Notes: Karen and Drew experience the first day without their baby.

Once Karen and Drew had finally arrived home from the hospital Karen couldn't help but it be in a sorrowful mood. It had been a good minute since she had stopped crying to herself and now it was as if she was mindless as Drew had helped her out of the car along with Dorinda.

So now here the rest of the family was minus Denise having to help take care of Karen after the loss of her baby. It was almost as if she still couldn't walk but it wasn't so much of the physical pain she was feeling which had now subsided since everything had passed out of her. But now it was like a tired feeling that was taking a physical toll on her body. So, Karen just felt like laying down and not doing anything at all.

But almost immediately when they had walked through the house opening up the door the older kids had came down with J.Drew hanging on Nikki's waist always into something as she had to keep a close eye on him since he was now walking literally everywhere.

So Nikki was just holding J.Drew sideways because if she held him the normal way he could easily get away from her and be in things to where he shouldn't be.

"Ughhhhh." J.Drew had whined and groaned wanting to get down from Nikki again but she knew she couldn't trust him. "Not uhhh you not fooling me again." Nikki said giving J.Drew a look that made him act right and he just turned his head away from her because Nikki wasn't about to free him again with Ace walking on the left side of her ready to greet his nana after not seeing them all day with Faith walking right behind them.

But before Faith could even ask "where they been at" thinking they had went to go get something to eat they had noticed their parents moods and thought that something had happened and so, Faith immediately closed her mouth not wanting to get into trouble.

Since Ace's kidnapping she had been trying to be better and was trying to take things a bit more seriously now.

"Nana's sadddd." Ace said walking up to his grandma seeing her face because it was written all over it even though Karen had tried to hide it.

"Why nana saddd?!" Ace asked holding his sippy cup in his hand not liking the fact that his nana was sad and he wanted to do something about it.

"Oooh sweet baby." Dorinda said picking him up giving him a kiss on the cheek. "She'll be okay she's just a little sick." Dorinda said not wanting to tell them the full truth of what had happened yet since Ace and J.Drew was in the room and once J.Drew had heard that his mama was sad and was looking to see her face while he was trapped in Nikki's arms he squirmed his way out so Nikki just gave up letting him go to her. When J.Drew seen his mommy he had hugged her knee since he was shorter than Ace.

"Mama?" J.Drew said trying to make his mama feel better but Karen really wasn't in the mood to do as she usually would've done which was to return the appreciation and affection.

So she just sucked it up and did a little pat on his back as best she could not trying to completely ignore him but she really couldn't take it.

Because now it was like Denise had really broken her spirit by having a miscarriage.

So now the older siblings were looking at each other like what was wrong with their mother because as far as they knew when it came to Drew they knew when he was trying to keep it together. "I'm a help Karen upstairs." Jacky said since Dorinda had Ace in her arms and she had just nodded her head okay and Twinkie was downstairs with the kids but she knew that she would have to soon go up to help with the triplets and the twins.

"Auntie Twinkie what happened?!" Faith asked her wanting to know as soon as they heard there parents room door close. "It's not my place." Twinkie said not wanting to tell them.

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