You want me to do what?!

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Notes: Karen talks to Drew about whats been bothering her lately and asks for a request from him that nearly sends him to the hospital.

It was a few months later after Melody's first double date and she was now off of punishment. Every since being off punishment she had been asking her mother non-stop could she go out on a real date with her boyfriend to which her mother still said no to because she didn't get the chance to go out on a double date with them.

"But maaa you sent auntie Twinkie out in your place instead and she likes them." Melody told her whining just like how her mother would do it.

"I know what your auntie Twinkie told me but I'm still the parent and I still wanna go and just make sure that everything is alright before I let you go out on a date with him and plus you're still not at that age no way. You can't go out on dates by yourself until you're at least 16." Kare n said while Melody tried not to roll her eyes at her.

"But I bet Faith went out on dates younger than I did." She told her forgetting that Faith wasn't even with Karen or knew who Karen was when she was 14.

"Uhh. Miss ma'am your sister didn't even know who I was at your age. She barely even knew if I was alive or not." Karen told her not knowing what was going on with her kids.

"Like I said, no you can't go on a date by yourself with him and you betta not let me catch you either and if I do catch you and you sneaking around after I told you not to it's gonna be me and you and you gonna get handled like how I handle Faith now do I make myself loud and clear? Don't make me repeat myself again." Karen warned her.

"Yes ma'amm." Melody said.

"I might be heavily pregnant and I might be on bed rest but I can still whoop y'all with the help of the Lord." Karen strongly said.

"Because y'all are both asking for one." Karen said scrunching up her face at her daughter while she tried to figure out what was going on with them.

"Mmmmmokayyyy." Melody said giving her a light sigh and then planting herself straight on her mothers chest as if she was giving her a half-a-hug since Karen's stomach was still in the way due to her pregnancy. Then she had kissed her mama on the cheeks and on her forehead as if she was trying to work her or something.

"Stop trying to butter me up, Faith JR." Karen said joking around making Melody get off of her.

"You act like I can't show you loveee or sumthin'." Melody playfully yet dramatically said before leaving her mothers room.

"Don't know what's wrong with themmm. I don't know where they get none of that stuff from but it sure ain't from me." Karen said shaking her head as she had went to go take a nap.

After her nap was over she had woken up again feeling some active kicks in her stomach.

"Whewww y'all kicking like y'all trying to come out already." Karen said as she was now struggling to sit up in bed after feeling some slight pain that made her whence.

She was glad that Drew had completely taken off from work during her last few weeks of her pregnancy because the babies were due in any minute.

So here she was just basking in the fact that all four of her babies were kicking and that they were healthy.

She was just so glad that her last three pregnancies were healthy because after these babies she wasn't having anymore kids and she was gonna talk to Drew about his situation as well since it took two to make a baby.

"DREWWWWWW!" Karen said calling her husband having him to come upstairs and out of his office.

So he had heard Karen calling him and he had got himself up and walked on up to there room thinking that it was super important.

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