To be in your arms again

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Notes: Karen and Drew takes time to cater to each other once again.

TRIGGER WARNING: SMUTTTT!!! This is really unhinged, I fear. 😭😭😭

After everyone had gone into there rooms it was hittin' Karen that Faith was really pregnant and the baby could honestly come at any time now.

"I can't believeee that Faith is actually pregnant again." Karen said as she had plobbed down on her bed. "I just thought that I was doing a good job at raising her." Karen told him but then Drew had went and sat down beside his wife. Even though she was glad that the baby was okay she still felt like she could have done more for her.

"Well baby you didn't know and like we said a lot was going on you can't beat yourself up about it." Drew told her as he gently turned her chin towards his face. "I know." Karen slightly pouted.

But then after they just sat in silence with each other they just started kissing on each other..

"You know if you want to we could make just one mo' baby." Drew playfully said making Karen smile and lightly chuckle.

"I think we have more than enough kids, Drew." Karen told him.

"If you say sooo." He said as if he was sadly just shrugging his arms.

But within a few minutes later of him laying down on his back with Karen cuddling up close to him here they were kissing up on each other again as he was giving her a hickey on her neck making her moan and squeal in joy.

"That feels good." Karen had breathed out with her head slightly thrown back.

"Mmhm you want sum more?" He questioned her knowing that he was sucking on her spot that automatically made her say yes.

"Mmhmm." Karen moaned. But Drew had shook his head no. "I need you to say itttt." He lightly dragged out making her whine. "Yesss." Karen cried throwing her head back all the way so he could suck on her neck some more leaving his markings on her as if he was marking his territory. And he had left it in visible spots as well not really caring what they was about to get into forgetting that the kids was in the house.

Now here they were 5 minutes later with their clothes off of them and the bed covers already half-way on the floor as they were just tussling in the bed fightin' for dominance.

All you could hear in the room now was shuffling and light skin slapping up against each other.

"Open yo legs." He growled in her ears as she did as told with him going down below her giving her head while he had held up one of her legs as he was eating her out just sucking on her now-sensitive clit.

"Ughhhh." Karen moaned out having her hand placed on top of his head because she couldn't stand his tongue. "You gonna take this." He told her while he slipped in a finger making her do a quick moan after she had felt it. "Yesss, baby." Karen could barely say as she closed her eyes and started rocking her hips into his mouth. "Keep going." Karen cried as she started panting even more than she was doing before. "Just like that." She breathed out while biting her lips.

"Uhhhh." Karen whined with her toes curling up. "Drewwww." Karen tried warning him as she was squirming on the bed. "Stop squirmin'." He told her as he took his other hand pattin' her booty as if he was giving her a light spankin' while he kept fingering her.

"I-I can't." She cried because now her juices were sounding like macaroni.

" I see you gettin' wet and creamy for me." He told her as he kept fingering her.

"Drewwwww!" Karen hollered out forgetting about the kids as she whined his name as her orgasm came squirting out of her as he caught it with his mouth.

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