A new record

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Notes: Karen finds out how many babies they're having.

It was the next week once Karen's symptoms had calmed down and she was back to feeling better that she had to go too one of her pre-natal appointments and with her and Dorinda being pregnant they often times went with each other for support especially, since they were still learning more about their current pregnancies trying to keep some surprises to themselves.

Which meant that the husband (Drew) and the baby daddy (Dorinda's mystery man) wasn't allowed to come yet. So here they were in the doctors office waiting for Karen to be called after they had got caught up catching up with each other.

"Here I go." Karen said struggling to get herself off of the chair and Dorinda had to get up and help, Karen up. "Girl you can't be doing all this." Dorinda said looking at how Karen was trying to slide off of the chair. "Girl hush and help pull me up." Karen said holding out her hand for Dorinda to take so she can pull her. So, she did as told with Dorinda letting out a little chuckle.

"Drew knocked you up realll good." Dorinda said as she was walking with Karen into the back with the nurses greeting them and guiding them to where she needed to go too.

"Do you think it's triplets again?" Dorinda questioned her arching an eyebrow.

"Tri-triplets?!" Karen said almost as if she couldn't believe what Dorinda had asked her.

"Yeah girl don't be surprised if it happened again y'all already have one set of triplets." Dorinda said shaking her head not seeing how Karen and Drew could do what they do.

"It betta not be it betta just be some big ole' twins up in here that got Drew's big head." Karen said as she was holding the bottom of her stomach struggling to get on the scale so the doctors could take her measurements. Then the doctors had asked, Karen if she was having any trouble with her movement on a regular day-to-day basis. "No, I'm fine." Karen said just straight up lying and Dorinda shook her head airing her out.

"She's lying." Dorinda told her as she started telling the nurse everything and she was writing it down.

"She can barely walk by herself without any help and then she can barely get out of the bed without her husband having to help her." Dorinda said. "She can't even stand for long. I'm surprised she ain't start whining yet about standing up right now." Dorinda said tilting her head not knowing why Karen wasn't telling her the truth so she can get some help during her pregnancy. "Dorindaaaa. Is your name, Karen Clark Shearddd?!" Karen smartly asked her.

"Nooo but I am the older sister and will call you out." Dorinda told her.

So everything that Dorinda had said the nurse was writing it down in the notes to keep for medical records and to pass it onto the doctor.

After they had done that the nurse had took Karen and Dorinda into the room with Karen getting up on the table. Then the nurse did her usual checking to see if everything was normal for Karen.

But when she had lifted up her pants leg to see for any swelling she was in for a shock.

"Oh my goodness." The nurse said as if her breath was immediately taken away from her.

"Whatt?!" Karen asked worried as she was trying to look down at her feet but couldn't because her pregnant stomach was blocking the way.

"Uh. Ma'am do you have any feeling within your feet whatsoever?" The nurse asked her during the routine as she had took a pen and added a little bit of pressure on Karen's swollen ankles.

"Uhh. I feel some pain from standing up too long but that's about it." Karen said shrugging her shoulders. "So you don't feel this?" The nurse asked her lightly squeezing above her ankles and below down to where her shoes were at.

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