What's wrong with Karen?

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Notes: Jacky and Drew takes Karen to the hospital.


Once they had got back from the mall, Jacky had went into Karen's room to give her what she had asked for only to find Karen balled up in a ball on her bed with the blankets thrown over looking as sick as a dog. "Karen what happened?!" Jacky asked her immediately going over to her baby sisters side of the bed. "It happened again." Karen said not knowing what else to tell her but she knew that Jacky knew what she was talking about because this had been happening for a good minute since she was here. "Where's Dorinda?!" Jacky asked her.

"She's downstairs in the pantry. She's trying to make me some chicken noodle soup." Karen told her. "Lawddd that girl be tryin'." Jacky said shaking her head because Jacky had already made a pot full of it for Karen so all she had to do was look in the refrigerator.

"I'll go get her before she makes anymore and heat you up some more." Jacky told her.

"Meanwhile just take this medicine. It should help you." Jacky told her.

"But if this keeps going on I'm telling Drew and we're gonna have to take you to the hospital again because this shouldn't be happening after everything had passed." Jacky told her and Karen just whined.

"Don't whine with me Karen you know this could be serious. I'm not letting you brush this off like before." Jacky told her only caring about her baby sisters health. So, Karen just sighed letting Jacky do Jacky as she had walked out of the room Karen had took the medicine that Jacky had got for her and set up for her taking it to try to get rid of the pain.

This pain was nothing like her STI she didn't think anything could've been worse than that but she was wrong.

"Dorinda." Jacky lightly hollered at her startling her while she was in the pantry still looking for it.

"Jacky don't do that!" Dorinda said letting out a deep breath trying to calm herself down.

"You ain't hear us come in?!" Jacky told her. "Nahh you know that pantry big." She said.

"I can't find the soup." Dorinda told her and so Jacky just shook her head at her.

"That's because I already made it all you had to do was look in the refrigerator." Jacky told her. "Well Karen ain't tell me that." Dorinda said. "That's because Karen can't think right when she's sick she can't tell you everything sometimes you gotta use your brainnnn Dorinda." Jacky said being a bit dramatic. "Well look y'all know I'm not the cook of the family. That is not my role. I'm just here to help." She said finally seeing the pot and putting it on the stove.

So they had just got Karen's meal ready but meanwhile upstairs after Drew had gone up he had heard Karen run into the bathroom vomiting up a storm.

So he had walked in there helping his wife and comforting her by lightly patting her on the back.

"Karen why you didn't you tell me you were this sick?" Drew had asked her.

And Karen just groaned taking a break from throwing up only to throw up again completely ignoring his question but Drew understood.

So once Karen was done doing that she had washed her mouth out and brushed her teeth going back in the bed with Drew following her and tucking his wife in the bed.

"It just happened." Karen told him in a weak sounding voice.

"I was only like this for a few days." Karen said as she still felt nauseous but she was tired of vomiting.

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