Nothing to lose

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Notes: Karen's cancer is headed for the worst as something happens with the baby.

Time jump: It's 5 months later.

Side note: Karen is now 8 months pregnant.

It was a couple of months later when it was said that Karen needed to have a c-section in order to safely deliver her babies so the cancer wouldn't have the chance to affect them.

Needless to say Karen was nervous because she had never had one before and her body was aching all over from the chemotherapy that she was on for a while now.

If anything she had looked a whole lot more fragile then the last time that people had seen her.

And she had lost a bit more weight but surprisingly enough the baby was still growing at a healthy rate. It was just that the doctors didn't want to take anymore chances seeing that her health had steadily been declining. So they had decided to induce her a little bit earlier than planned wanting the baby to be safe.

When they had explained this all to Drew and Karen earlier on after her last couple of chemotherapy sessions where Jacky had switched off with Drew they had both decided that it would be best for the baby especially with Karen thinking that she didn't have long to meet. So she didn't want to wait anymore especially when carrying all this stress.

So now here Karen was in the operating room with her family being in the waiting room for her while Drew was in there with his wife while they had performed the c-section on her.

And throughout the whole entire time, Drew was able to hold his wife's hand praying over her and over the doctors.

It was little over an hour when the family thought that they should've heard something from Karen's doctors by now. But before Jacky could even march up to the front desk assistant to ask for Karen's doctor he had came out of the doubled doors.

"How is she?!" Jacky asked worried sick about her baby sister especially since they were taking longer than usual. "She's fine." He said. "Both her and the baby are fine. We were able to deliver the perfectly healthy baby girl even after the sac had popped." He said giving the family good news with them sighing in relief as Dorinda placing a hand over her chest saying "Hallelujah."

"Can we see them?!" Dorinda asked wanting to see her baby sister and new niece.

"Yes right this way no more than two people in the room at a time." He said letting bringing them to the back to where Karen was placed.

So as they had walked in with Dorinda and Jacky being first they had seen Karen holding her arm in her arms just smiling at her baby girl.

"Mommy's so glad you made it and I was able to see you." Karen said as she was feeling herself getting a little bit more weaker after the procedure was done.

Then when Karen was done talking to her baby she had noticed that her family was there to see them.

"Let me see her." Dorinda lightly and quietly said being all excited for her niece.

"She's so preciousss." Dorinda said cooing her new baby niece.

"What's her name?" Doe asked her as she was now being the first person to hold her.

"Kia." Karen said wanting it to be a simple name but still keeping up with the K's."

"Aweee Kia's sooo cuteee. So adorable." Dorinda said making baby faces at her niece while Kia was staring at her as if she was studying where she was at.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now