What did you have??

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Notes: The family goes back to therapy after Audrey gets settled in at home. And they also find out something about why Faith might act the way she does through Karen.

Trigger warning: Mentions of self-harm.

It had been a week since, Audrey had been home and Ace was getting well-adjusted with his baby sister while helping Faith out with her being a "mommy's little helper."

Which Faith had loved but not only that since, Faith had revealed to them at the hospital that she was finally ready to hand over her now two kids to them he was drawing up guardianship papers for Audrey as well as finalizing the guardianship papers that they had already signed for Ace.

"Alright I got the papers right here ready to go." Drew said laying them out on the table for Faith to sign and for Faith to look over especially giving her the chance to look over the guardianship papers with Ace again since she had been signed that one.

So after she was done looking over it and reading it she said, "okay" and signed it.

"I know it's for the best." Faith said as she had handed the papers back to Drew.

"I'm not as stubborn anymore." Faith told them.

"I'm so proud of you." Karen said as she was standing right next to her husband.

"But mama you do have a pregnancy glow though." Faith said grinning at her mama.

And, Karen had playfully rolled her eyes telling her no.

"No, I don't that's just my skin care routine." Karen said still denying the fact that she was pregnant.

"After how I heard you throwing up your lungs this morning?!" Drew told her.

"I think that morning sickness just started." Drew said shaking his head at his wife.

"I told her we could've got her checked out while she was there but did she want to?" Drew said mocking his wife.

"Noooo. She didn't. Now here we are." He said knowing goodness well that Karen was pregnant and she just had to have her moment of being indenial about it for a little while.

"I just ate something bad. Y'all always want me to be pregnant." Karen said tired't of them talking about her stomach. "Well it is poking out more than before. And it's more rounder than before and it's more visible than the last time that Mattie had seen you." Drew said placing his whole hand on Karen's stomach turning Karen to the side so they could really see the difference in her stomach. "You see how my hand just curve on up on her stomach and don't lay down flat as if she wasn't pregnant?!" Drew said telling them how to find the difference choosing to ignore that lie that Karen just told.

"Whateva, Drew." Karen said moving her husband's hand away from her stomach.

"She just mad because Kia was literally just born and she's pregnant again it's aight tho. She's gonna get over it. Maybe she should learn how to let me pull out." Drew said just cuttin' out.

"Ain't no one told you to put in!" Karen said as she started to playfully argue with him.

"The liessss she tellssss." Drew said dramatically shaking his head. "She was begging for it." Drew said and Faith was fightin' for her life.

"Drewwwww pleaseeeee don't let goooo. Put it back innnn." Drew mocked her with this high-pitched voice he was using to try to sound like her.

"I do not sound like that." Karen said shaking her head.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now