The truth.

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Notes: Karen talks to Faith about what happened and they take her to the doctor to find out how far along she is with her pregnancy.

After Faith had gotten settled into the car the driver had pulled off with Karen biting on her nails again thinking about what she was gonna say to her daughter when they had got home.

When Karen had looked in the backseat she had noticed that Faith was looking outside the window as if she was staring off in a daze while unknowingly holding the bottom of her stomach and Karen was a little nervous after what was speculated over the last few days.

She didn't know why she was having a hard time accepting the fact that Faith might be pregnant. All she knew was that she kept on hoping that she wasn't even though she knew that deep down inside she knew the truth.

So when they had made it home and walked inside the house it was as if the house was cleared and quiet just for them to talk in.

But Faith had walked upstairs to her room taking the chance since Karen wasn't really saying anything yet because she was lost in her thoughts about this whole entire situation.

Karen didn't even know why Faith wouldn't tell her that she was pregnant if she was.

It was like Karen was the only person in the house who constantly kept denying the truth.

So she was thinking about a number of different reasons of why it might've been so hard for her to accept it?

Some of which were one she had cancer a form of which was fatal and she was afraid that she wasn't going to meet this new unborn grandchild of hers and so she wasn't trying to get attached too it. But now that she's been healed by the grace of God she's afraid that she might've went a little hard with denying the fact that Faith was pregnant and she had gotten pregnant at a bad time which was around when Ace had just gone missing because she wasn't paying attention to him like she was supposed to do.

Two this reminded her of her own childhood to where she didn't know any better and she didn't have the guidance that she had so desperately needed to not make poor choices and when she had Faith that's when her life was turned completely upside down.

Three she had a little resentment of the fact that Faith was still better off than she was when she was 16. The only difference between her and Faith was that Faith didn't know who her family was and Faith had came from a semi-messed up background. But it did make Karen feel a little better that Faith didn't go through worse things than she did when she was 16.

Because if she had to have gone through what she had went through, Karen didn't think she could live with herself.

So she was still glad that at least her child had it a bit better than she did when she was growing up.

Because if Karen was being honest with herself she had no support at all.

Absolutely none after she was snatched away from her mother.

When Karen finally snapped back in from reality after daydreaming about her past and thinking about the current situation that was at hand she had noticed that Faith had left.

"That girl." Karen said shaking her head knowing that Faith had dipped as soon as she could to dodge the conversation that was going to be had.

"We still having it." Karen said to herself as she walked upstairs going to Faith's room.

When Karen had gotten upstairs she had seen through the crack of Faith's room door that she was doing her homework.

Meanwhile Faith was trying to use her homework as an excuse to try to get out of the conversation because it had seemed to work with Nikki a lot of times.

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