When Is she coming?

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Notes: Faith announces something to her family that's important.

After Faith was taken to the hospital and was situated then the rest of the family was called in to go see them. Once they was all there everyone had wanted to see baby Audrey. But they had to wait until, Karen was done holding her. "Karen let us have a turn she ain't yo baby." Dorinda said wanting to hold her great-niece. "Nahh she might not be my baby but number one she looks like me and number 2 even betta she's my grand baby and what I says goesss." Karen told them rolling her neck while she carefully held, Audrey.

"Mama make her share." Dorinda lightly screeched.

"Karen stop hogging myyyy great-grand baby." Mattie lightly scolded her carefully picking Audrey up from her arms. "That's why all your babies so spoiled now and they always want you to hold them because you don't never put them down." Mattie told her while holding her and giving her to Dorinda. "Now mama how you do that?!" Karen playfully asked her. "Girl hush up and let your arms rest." Mattie told her.

"Don't make me talk to you in front of all of em'." Mattie told her and she just act like she knew and stopped hogging her. But then because of her hormones she just started crying.

"Look at her crying again." Jacky said with Karen already having a tissue ready in her hands.

"Lawddd mama ain't even say nuthin' to you, Karen." Dorinda said.

"Hereee you wanna hold her so bad again goodness?!" Dorinda asked her baby sister giving Audrey back to her and Karen had immediately stopped crying while she held, Audrey again.

"Look at her crocodile tears just to hold her grand baby." Dorinda said.

"Mama you not right let everybody else get a turn you can't be stingyyyy." Faith said laughing at her.

While Audrey was over there just relaxing in her nana's soft loving arms.

"Y'all know I can't help it." Karen said with her whole entire mood switching again.

"Mama's sensitive. Y'all know that." Faith playfully said but everybody knew it was the truth.

"Let mama hold, Audrey so she can calm down." Faith told them.

"Speaking of which I gotta tell you something grandma." Faith said looking at Mattie cheesing at her while Karen was just dotting over Audrey.

"What you gotta tell me Faith?!" Mattie asked her knowing that she had something up her sleeve.

"Soooo. I didn't tell you her full name but I think you'd be pleaseddd." Faith said smiling at her and Mattie knew where this was going.

"Mmhmm." She said nodding her head at her grand daughter.

"Sooo her name is Audrey Mattie Drew Sheard." Faith said smiling at her and Mattie had let out a little gasp almost as if she was shocked.

"You named her after me?!" Mattie asked sounding very pleased with that.

"Mmhmmmm." Faith said nodding her head all happily just knowing she was gonna get out of that whoopin'.

"Aweeee is mama cryin' too?!" Karen asked her while Mattie was wiping her tears with some tissue too.

"That's right I am. She's my little namesake." Mattie said.

"Now hand her over, Karen so me and my great-grandbaby can take a picture." Mattie said.

"And don't you start that cryin' mess either. Goodness nobody else can't even hold the baby for five minutes without you crying ova her." Mattie told her.

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