We want the truth

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Notes: The kids finally finds out what happened and they don't take the news to well.

"Jacky you gotta help me." Drew whispered to her as he quietly clasped his hands after stopping her. "Well that's what I'm here for I'm here to help y'all. Why what you need?" She asked him.

"Well the kids wants to know what happened to Karen and I know Karen isn't gonna be up in telling them with me anytime soon but I'm worried if I wait any longer their reaction is gonna get worse it's already bad enough that they're thinking the worst. I don't know what to do." He said needing help.

"It's alright. It's a good thing I was going to the store to get her somethings that she needed anyways." Jacky said. "That's the only reason why I really came down instead of staying up there with her." She told him.

"I got this I'll call Twinkie and Dorinda and have them to come over to watch Karen while we go out and we'll just tell them so they won't take it as bad. Because if we do it at the house they might lose it snd wanna ask Karen all these questions and she's not up for that." Jacky said.

Drew just nodded his head agreeing with her.

"I'm just scared they might wanna try to fight Denise. I can't stop all of them at once." Drew said. "And why should you?!" Jacky questioned him arching her eyebrow. "Denise brought that on herself." Jacky told him. "Now I'm not for violence or for disrespect but she shouldn't have done what she did to Karen and now Karen is suffering from Denise's actions. It's not right." Jacky said shaking her head.

"So let them go off on Denise she barely gets in trouble for her consequences anyways so she might as well start learning now." Jacky told him.

"We just don't want it to happen in the house because Karen just needs some peace and quiet to get her mind well-rested. Poor thing haven't had a good nights sleep in Lord knows when." Jacky said shaking her head worried about Karen.

"I'll get them ready you just go get ready and figure out what you're gonna say to them." Jacky said and so Drew just nodded his head running up the steps letting Jacky handle the situation that was at hand and so once the kids had heard someone going up the steps that sounded like their dad they had turned around confused and in shock standing together as one as a group.

"Auntie Jacky what's going on?!" Harmony had asked her but Jacky had to straight up ignore her question for now to help Drew out because leave it up to her the kids been would've known. But they had to respect Drew's wishes and so that's what they were going to do.

"Y'all just go get ready to go to the store we're taking y'all out. Y'all done been in this house for so long y'all need some fresh air so go get ready. We gonna have a little outing." Jacky said telling them what to do and the kids was now even more confused than before because usually they had to beg to go out.

Or Nikki and Faith would just run out of the house not trying to take the twins with them.

So they knew that whatever they had to tell them something serious was going on with their mother and so Nikki started replaying what Faith had told them and so she started to believe the worst as well trying not to believe it. But now she just couldn't shake it as an awful feeling in the pit of her stomach started to turn up.

That's just how afraid she was for her mother.

But she didn't want to assume anymore and so she just went upstairs to her room to go get ready like her auntie had told her too. So the twins and Faith had done the same.

After they had gotten ready they had all got in the family van with their auntie Jacky riding in the passenger seat next to Drew while the kids were texting each other on their cell phone having a private conversation wondering what was about to happen.

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