A little inspiration

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Notes: Karen sings again after taking a break from singing to deal with her chemotherapy.

It was a Friday night when Karen was getting ready to perform at a concert where Donald Lawrence had booked her for a church where she would be singing with other gospel stars.

This would be her first performance like this as a solo artists even though her sisters would be in the audience they would not be singing. They would be there to support her.

"I can't believe I agreed to this." Karen said already feeling the pain inside of her body act up because of the chemotherapy as she had to sit down and re-collect herself.

"Drewwww!" Karen called out to him as she had sat back down on the bed.

"I need to drop out." Karen said with her nerves acting up as her husband had came into there room. "Is it the chemo?" Drew asked his wife knowing that sometimes the pain would still be lingering no matter how long she's been at home. "Somewhat." She said. "Andddd you're mainly nervous?" Drew had questioned her. "Yeahhhh." Karen sighed not wanting to sing anymore.

"Just remember why you agreed to do this and I'll rub your feet before we go." Drew said as he sat down next to her on the bed and starting rubbing her feet so she wouldn't get out of it.

"You really want me to go don't you?!" Karen asked poutin'.

"Yeah." He said while giving her a peck on the lips. "You'll do fine. I know you will." He told her having faith in her.

So after he was done massaging her he had helped her up off of the bed and going back into the bathroom to finish putting his outfit together.

Once he was done they had went downstairs together hand-in-hand so he could help her walk down the steps.

So here he was walking slowly so his wife could have a hold on him so she won't lose her balance.

"This baby feels heavyyy." Karen said needing a break already after making it down the steps.

So the kids were already ready to go as Karen was waiting to re-gain her strength to walk too the car. When she did she was praying on her way there that everything will be alright. She was just glad that her mother would be there tonight as well since she was working with Donald for this concert and Karen knew that things would run smoothly with her mother being in charge.

By the time they had got there they could tell that the building was already going to be packed before they even stepped in just by looking at how many cars was in the parking lot of the church. It was packed. And some cars even had to park on the sides of the road.

"It's a lot of people here tonight." Karen said while she was in the car getting nervous all over again. "Yeah but that just means that they came here to see you." Drew said knowing that since Donald Lawrence was her manager the people knew that Karen was one of his most popular artists and they would support her every time.

So that had helped lift her spirits up a little bit but nonetheless she was still a little bit nervous.

When they had finally parked to the spot that was reserved for them in the back, Drew had got out of the car first opening up the car door for Karen so he could help walk her into the church.

While Nikki and Faith got their siblings out of the car since Karen couldn't really take them out like she used too and Drew had to help her so he couldn't do it either. But that was okay because they had a 5 seat car-seat and was able to carry in and out of the car. Which made it easier for them to take into certain buildings.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang