What took so long? P2

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Notes: A continuation from the last  chapter.

It was an hour later when the girls finally came home and Jacky had heard keys ringling through the door. Once she heard the keys she had quickly got up from the chair that she was sitting in at the table while Karen was still sleeping on the couch knocked out because of her medicine and had answered the door as quietly as she could immediately stopping her nieces.

"Y'all are in so much trouble." Jacky warned them whispering it to them in a quiet breath while she gritted her teeth at them. "Yo mama finna kill you Faith." Jacky told her.

"And Nikki you betta start explaining for yo lifeee if you don't want what Faith is about to get if Karen wakes up." Jacky warned them.

"Ooh she's still asleep?" Faith asked her peering her head slowly over her auntie Jacky's shoulder. "Yes but not for long if we keep on talkin'." Jacky whispered to them furrowing her eyebrows at them having one hand on her hip.

So without saying anything she had just pushed them out the front door with her following after them. "What in God's name where y'all doing out this late?!" Jacky asked her.

"It's all Faith's fault." Nikki said quickly taking her auntie Jacky's advice not trying to take the fall for Faith. "I'm ova there tryin' to help her dumb self out and she's ova there gettin' us into mo' trouble." Nikki said a bit too loudly for both Jacky's and Faith's liking.

"Girl shhhhhhhhhhhh." Faith said all dramatically as she lightly stomped outside as if Karen could hear them.

"Before mama hears you and come out here." Faith said as if she was scared for her life.

"I know you not scared." Nikki said looking her little sister up and down in disbelief.

"This is yo fault tho." Nikki said again making it known.

"I know that and I'm not apologizing again for it either I already did all that in the car." Faith told her tired of apologizing.

"Mh. You tired't of apologizing?!" Jacky told her as if she was being sarcastic with her.

"You gonna have to apologize to yo mama in a hot minute if she wakes up." Jacky told her.

"What should I do, fall to my knees?!" Faith seriously asked her and Jacky's eyes had widened seeing how dramatic Faith was being again but she knew she shouldn't have been surprised.

"Now where were y'all at all this long time after y'all said y'all was coming home early it's bout 9pm now." Jacky told them.

"We knowww." Faith whined poking out her lips.

"We had to go somewhere." Nikki said scratchin' her head not realizing that there was now a viral video of the two of them walking into planned parenthood and walking out of it and Nikki was seen arguing with Faith and Faith was arguing right back at her.

"Nikki y'all can stop the lyin'." Jacky said. "It ain't gonna work." She told them and the both of their eyes got wide.

"What you mean? We not lyin'!" Faith said just tryin' to lie away.

"Ughhhh" Jacky groaned. "If y'all don't check social media there's a video of the both of y'all walking in and out of planned parenthood arguing." Jacky said summarizing everything up for them.

"Whattt?!" Faith squeaked while placing a hand over her chest.

"Mmhm them nosy fans of yours done found out about your business by now and it's speculation that you're pregnant." Jacky said as she had re-arranged how she was standing and had folded up her arms.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Where stories live. Discover now