What happens now?

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Notes: The family worries about Karen's mental well-being as they discuss what's next for the couple.

It was the next week and Karen was struggling with not being pregnant anymore as she had laid in bed not feeling like getting up. She couldn't even force herself to spend time with her family as she had once done before. She didn't realize that losing this baby was going to take an emotional toll on her. If anything she was thinking to herself while she was in the hospital that she was gonna bounce back. But once she got in the car and Drew had noticed how despondent his wife was that was gonna be a different story. He knew that she wasn't going to bounce back.

Because she had already been leaving the babies to fend for their selves since her mind really wasn't in the right place and she couldn't even do for herself at times which was why the sisters just stayed there along with Mattie coming over every other day to check on them.

Now that Karen had a miscarriage this also affected her booming music career which had took a hit in her performing. Recently, Drew had to let Donald Lawrence know that their family was suffering through a tragic loss. So he had understood and had stopped booking Karen for the meantime until they were healed because he knew how important it was to heal so he wasn't mad about it like other managers would've been.

So, Drew was thankful for that because he knew that his wife would be great at what she was doing once she got back to it but right now she just wasn't in the right mindset for that.

And if anything Drew had to take over cooking for her because at times Karen would forget that she was cooking and just leave the food unattended which caused dinner to be burned more than once or it just wouldn't taste the same and they knew that once the food started being affected that she really wasn't in the right state to be doing anything so they completely took over letting her rest even when she had claimed that she was fine and didn't want to rest.

Because to Karen she had thought that she was back to her normal self doing normal things as she usually would've done. But she wasn't if anything she was the complete opposite from normal and even the babies had picked it up which was a huge concern to the family.

"What we gonna do about Karen?" Dorinda had asked as they were sitting on the couch.

"What we been was doing." Twinkie told her. "We might have to get Dr.Womack involved though." She had added on. "I agree." Jacky said nodding her head. "Me too." Drew said worried about his wife. "I never seen her in this state before she's acting as if things are okay but when she does them it's like you can tell that she's not okay." Drew said. "I don't know how to explain it but y'all see it. Y'all are here everyday." Drew told them and so they just nodded their heads agreeing with them.

"Karen hasn't been herself since she left the hospital and she keeps claiming that she's fine when we all know that she's not fine." Drew said.

"Even the older kids are asking questions and I don't know what to say to them." Drew said.

"You mean you haven't told them yet about the...." Jacky had started to say but then she had mouthed it to him. "Miscarriage?" She lightly whispered.

"How can I tell them about what happened about what their aunt Denise had caused?" Drew said. "Faith already don't like her." Drew said. "And even she was getting attached to the baby like I don't know. It's just that thing that the babies do they tend to gather their armies or something and she wouldn't even let Nikki near her mama so she could bond with them." Drew said shrugging her shoulders.

"If I tell the kids the truth about what happened I won't be able to stop them from doing what they wanna do to Denise." Drew said.

"Andddd?!" Dorinda said not understanding what's wrong with that. "What about it?!" Dorinda smartly said. "I don't see a problem in that she's gonna get what she deserves but you're just prolonging it. You need to tell them because I'm sick of Denise talking like ain't nothing happened and Karen's walking around the house being miserable because of what Denise did. It's like Karen is lost because of her and I hate seeing Karen like that it's not right. Karen was finally happy and Denise just had to take that away from her." Dorinda said.

Family Secrets P4: It Ends Now!!!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora