A Lesson In Listening

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“Seriously, you need to end the stream,” George heard the low rumble of a whisper from behind him, soft lips hovering just over his ear and sending a chill down his spine. “This is getting out of hand.”

He rolled his eyes when he felt two large hands hook over his shoulders, a slight blush dusting his cheeks as he tilted his head back to meet the gaze of his bodyguard. The blonde towered over him, only locking eyes for a second with raised eyebrows before turning back to assess the crowd, which was quickly growing larger by the second.

George turned his attention back to the crowd too, looking at what seemed like at least a hundred people. They were all yelling his name, words blurring together as the Spanish speaking fans rapidly shouted out and tried to get his attention. George prided himself on being an incredibly fast learner, picking up Spanish quicker than he had anticipated. But even with all of his knowledge, it was still hard to understand, and it made it harder to focus on what was being said, with everything seemingly being jumbled together into one collective scream.

“The car is coming, right? It’s fine, Dream.” George mumbled under his breath with his head turned towards Dream before quickly turning back to the fans in front of him, holding his camera pole steady so that the stream could see the interactions as he smiled for pictures. A few minutes went by of him stumbling his way through broken Spanish, doing his best to focus on the person that was in front of him rather than the nudging he was receiving into his back every few seconds when the car eventually arrived.

“It’s here,” Dream leaned down towards George’s ear again, this time speaking louder so that he knew the boy would hear, even over all of the screaming. “George, let’s go.”

He felt a hand wrap around his arm and quickly shoved it off, continuing to meet fans and take pictures with them. George couldn’t tell, but Dream realized quickly that the crowd was only growing in size, and knew he couldn’t let the brunette have another minute to spare. Dream wrapped both hands around George’s biceps from behind, pulling him to the side with force and pushing him through the crowd towards the black car parked on the side of the street.

“T-Thank you! Gracias!” George tried to fight against Dream’s hold as he was guided through the wave of people, trying his best to thank them and keep a smile plastered on his face as he was forced to continue on. A few moments later they reached the car, and Dream stretched an arm over his shoulder to grab at the door handle, opening it for the smaller boy and pushing him in quickly, following closely behind. He carefully closed the door and cracked the windows so that George could say his final goodbyes, and then they were driving down the street, the crowd fading quickly from view as he was whisked away.

“You could’ve let me stay a little longer, you didn’t have to be so rude.” George spat out as he turned to look out the window, rolling it up and leaning his head against it once it was fully closed.

“It was getting to a dangerous amount of people, George. This is a new place. We don’t know the area yet, too many people were spreading the location info-“

“Okay and?” George interrupted, turning his head around to face Dream, staring daggers at the blonde as he watched him clear his throat and roll his shoulders, leaning forward with a frustrated scowl on his face. He held a finger up, pointing it inches from George’s face as he opened his mouth to continue. But he stopped, dropping it suddenly and leaning back against the seat, pressing his lips together in a tight line instead.

“Did you wanna say something?” George questioned Dream, getting no response or even acknowledgment that he’d even heard the question. The brunette didn’t expect this reaction, so used to getting a rise from Dream, and wasn’t quite sure how to proceed. George tilted his head slightly, looking him up and down before letting out a deep sigh with a mix of annoyance and frustration.

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