All Dolled Up Pt3 - Num Num Time

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And just like that, George was left at the mercy of the man who would make him into a doll. A fucking doll…

George continued to squirm as he was balanced on Dream’s hip. It unnerved George slightly. The man must be pretty strong to be able to do this so effortlessly. Sure, George wasn’t a large man, but he wasn’t small either.

The dollified man swung at his captor, however, the blows were heavily softened by the soft mittens locked onto his wrists. Dream chuckled at his doll’s actions, making him blush even harder. Dream booped his nose, making George scrunch up his face in protest.

“All right, Dolly, how about we get you some lunch? Maybe then you’ll stop fussing.”

Of course, George couldn’t respond. He still had packing tape sealing his mouth. He could only let out a simple “Hmm!”

“I’ll take that as a yes.” Dream concluded, carrying George to the kitchen. There he was quickly thrust into a large wooden highchair. The second he sat down, Dream grabbed his wrists and bound them into the leather straps attached to the arms of the highchair. Then shoved a small wooden table in front of the chair.

Dream suddenly reached over and ripped the tape from George’s mouth. The bound man took a deep breath of fresh air, as well as opening and closing his mouth to stretch the sore muscles. Dream smiled, pinching his cheek before turning around and walking over to the cardboard.

Although George did not want to speak to his new captor, he did want some answers.

“W-Why? Why are you doing this?! What are you going to do to me?!”

Dream simply ignored his doll’s frantic questions as he set a jar full of mush on the table. He unscrewed the cap before dipping a silicone spoon into the pale green semisolid before holding it up to George’s face. George moved his head back, squeezing his jaw shut. This made Dream’s sweet smile turn sour.

“Dolly, you have to eat.” He said, pressing the spoon to his doll’s lips.

This only caused George to turn his head to the side, avoiding the spoon filled with mush entirely. Dream tried to get him to eat for a few more minutes before his patience began to twindle.

“I’d advise that you not make me angry, Dolly…” He said threateningly, sending a shiver down George’s spine. Still, he refused to eat. Not only because the mush looked disgusting, but because he had no idea what his captor may have put in it. The “meal” very well could have been very heavily drugged or worse…

An alarm was set off in George’s mind as he felt a hand pinch his nostrils shut. Soon breathing through his nose wouldn’t be an option. After about thirty seconds, George couldn’t hold his breath anymore. He didn’t open his jaw, but he did part his lips, breathing through his teeth. This only enraged Dream even more. He slammed the spoon into the jar and grabbed George’s hair, roughly pulling his head back. Dream pushed his face close to George, a terrifying look of anger on his face.

“You listen here, Dolly. Now, you are going to open your fucking mouth and let me feed you. If you still feel like being a little brat, then I will get a hammer and knock every single one of your teeth out...God it?” Dream asked through his teeth, tugging on George’s hair again to empathize his threat.

Although George was still paralyzed with fear, he slowly shook his head, confirming that he understood.

“Good…” Dream said with almost no emotion. He let go of his doll’s hair and picked up the spoon once more, holding it in front of his mouth once more.

Slowly, but surely George opened his mouth, allowing the mushy food in, his face heating up as he did. As soon as the food hit his tongue, he let out a slight gag, the horrid mush violating his tastebuds. If George had to guess, the mush was supposed to be pea flavored baby food, although it tasted more like vomit.

Before he could even swallow the first spoonful of mush, another pile was forced into his mouth, making him gag once more. It wasn’t long before his cheeks were bulging with the vile sustenance. Soon, he was forced to swallow, shivering with disgust as he did.

As he swallowed, Dream cooed at him with that sickly sweet voice.

“Cugga, cugga, cugga, coo coo!” He sang as he shoveled the next spoonful of torturous baby food onto his doll’s tongue.

By the time the jar was nearly empty, George had burst into tears, crying from both disgust and humiliation as he was force-fed. When the jar mercifully emptied, Dream smiled, wiping his doll’s messy face with a napkin.

“See? Was that so hard, Dolly?” He asked before kissing the sobbing man’s flushed and tear-stained cheek. Dream then walked to the fridge, taking out a bottle of milk, bringing it over for his doll.

Although reluctant once more, George eventually let the bottle in as it was pressed against his quivering lips. Dream quickly pushed the bottle in, urging him to drink. George could feel his face warming up even more as he was fed like an infant. The situation also wasn’t helped by Dream cooing at him, playing with his hair, and remarking how much of a good dolly he was being.

At the very least, the cool milk was washing away the nasty bits of food that clung to George’s teeth and tongue.
939 words

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