Lucky Cat

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“Welcome welcome! How are you doing today chat?” Sapnap poked his head into frame, waving a hand “It’s the long awaited charity stream, I’m sure you’re all excited. We have a lot planned!”

George watched Sapnap hype up the chat, glancing occasionally to Dream who was out of frame. The first goal was for Dream to be on camera, if they hit it that is. And of course they would, their fans were amazing. The taller shifted and moved, unable to stay still. He was on camera more often these days, having finally done a face reveal, but was still stiff and uncomfortable on camera until he got used to it after about an hour or so.

On a normal day George would send him a pitying glance and move on. But not today. No. Today it was he that needed the pity.

The last stream they’d all been together and George had made the fatal mistake of betting something against Sapnap. Sapnap, one of the most competitive people alive. He wasn’t Dream, so George had thought he had a good chance of winning. Turns out he didn’t.

“Loser has to wear whatever the other says during the charity stream, for a goal!” That had been the deal.

George had fought bravely, nearly taking the win. But in the end he’d lost by just a few points.

“Chat, I know what I must do. You’d better all subscribe to me after this.” Sapnap had said seriously as he pulled up what George was going to be wearing and… NO.

A cute maid dress, black and white in color. Now, that was bad enough, but it got worse. A pair of white fluffy cat ears and a long sleek tail were included in the pack.

“I’m going to kill you.”

Chat had exploded, and George was too proud to go back on the bet. That, and if he did he’d definitely be canceled on Twitter for being against charity or something equally as absurd.

And to add insult to injury, people really had subbed to him afterwards. A lot of people. What the fuck?

But that’s how he ended up here. Waiting for the chat to hit the donation goal and force him to wear something he’d literally never live down. His friends, his family, hundreds of thousands of people on the Internet were all going to see him. It would probably trend on Twitter…

It didn’t take long for the Dream goal, and soon their friend had joined them in frame. And what was inevitable - the final goal - had George dreading the money. Never before had he been so ready to stop people being charitable.

“We’re almost a quarter way to our overall goal guys! Let me remind you what you get.” Sapnap grinned, opening the image again.

George bitched and moaned, but Sapnap didn’t stop. He pulled the image onto the stream and chat went wild. Just a few of the messages on the stream included phrases such as: “AWOOGA” “Catboy gogy” “I owe you my life” “MAID TIME” and many more creative calls for money. Some comments were quickly taken down due to their… er… explicit suggestions. He really worried for their fans sometimes.

“Oh my god. Guys, you don’t really want to see that, do you?” He tried. Chat was happy to shut him down, leaving him defeated in his seat.

Sapnap rolled his eyes and flung his arm across Dreams shoulders “Chat wants to see it, right Dream?”

Dream - who had been surprisingly quiet up to this point - jolted out of whatever trance he’d fallen into “O-oh yeah. C’mon George. It’s for charity. You wouldn’t want to lie to our fans after they gave so much would you?”

Shooting Dream a betrayed look, George begrudgingly agreed.

They continued on with the stream. For each minigoal they hit they’d do something for it. Some changed the game, some fitted the three of them with a challenge. They had come up with a variety of things to keep money coming. The final goal was huge, a larger amount than anything they’d aimed for before. And while they were confident in their chat, it was all three of them streaming after all, the extra motivation seemed to be helping a lot.

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