All Dolled Up Pt5 - Beddy Bye

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Dream spent the next few hours cradling his doll while he watched TV, occasional tickling under his chin and cooing at him. Every time Dream even spoke to George, he would flinch with fear. His mind was still trying to wrap around what was about to happen to him. When would he be let go? Would he be let go? Would he become a mind broken doll?

He didn’t know the answers to these questions, and that did nothing but upraise his anxiety and fear. Practically paralyzed and with nowhere to go, George did the only thing he could. He sucked his paci. As humiliating and deeming as it was suckling, biting, and chewing on his pacifier did bring a small degree of comfort to the dollifed man. It gave him something else to focus on.

At some point, Dream’s hands drifted down, stroking his thighs. A frown suddenly spread across his face when George was hoisted up once more.

“We’re going to have to do something about that body hair. Dolls shouldn’t have all that icky body hair. They’re supposed to be soft and silky. I’ll go out and get supplies for that tomorrow.”

“HMM!” George protested although it would do nothing.

“For now, we have to get you ready for beddy-bye.” George turned his head slowly to look at the clock hanging in the kitchen. Holy shit, it was nearly 10:30 already! He had been laying, zoned out, on the couch with this bastard for over 3 hours!

George was carried into Dream’s room and dumped onto his large bed. While Dream walked over to the closet to pick out a pair of pajamas for his doll, George began to thrash his lithe body, trying to stand up. Unfortunately, all he did was toss himself off the bed, cracking his head off the wooden floors. The only plus side was that with the pacifier jammed locked in his mouth, he had bitten down on that instead of his tongue.

Still, the second he made an impact, a splitting headache ruptured through his skull. Despite the pain, George was determined to not let himself cry. He wouldn’t show this man any weakness, even as he swiped up and fussed over.

“Oh, Dolly are you ok!? That was quite a nasty fall.” Dream said as he unstrapped the pacifier from George’s mouth. He was at least grateful for that…

“Mm fine…” George said quietly, opening and closing his mouth to stretch out the sore muscles.

“Now honey, you can’t just go fidgeting around on the bed like that when I’m not looking. You could have seriously injured yourself! Here, let me kiss it better.”

George had to resist the urge to gag when Dream brought his lips to the brunet’s aching forehead, gently kissing it. Like a kiss would make it any better. Might as well be rubbing salt in the wound...

“Now, let’s get you in your nighty.” Dream said as he held up George’s next instrument of torture: A hideously baby blue cotton nightgown with white lace lining the bottom.

Dream grabbed the hem of the poofy dress George was already wearing, lifting it until the garment came off over his head. His face flushed a dark red as he was left in nothing but the pink bloomers.The brit’s hands crossed over his front, desperate to cover himself.

Thankfully, the feeling of being completely exposed didn’t last long as Dream slipped the light nighty over his doll’s head, pulling his arm’s through the sleeves and pinching his cheeks once it was finally on. Dream then wrapped his arms around George’s middle, pulling him into a lying position on the bed.

He reached over to the nightstand and switched off the lamp, turning the room almost as dark as the pit in George’s stomach.

“So cute.” Dream whispered lovingly into his ear, making George shiver with disgust. He tried to squirm away, but he was still weak from the drugs, and Dream was too strong. All he could do was lay there. Like a doll...

“You know, I’ve always wanted a doll, but my parents refused to get me one on the account that “Doll’s are for girls.” Well, now I finally have one. The perfect one nonetheless. I can already tell!” His captor said as he spooned him, nuzzling his nose into George’s neck.

Predictively, George hardly slept a wink that night. Not only from the fear gnawing at his gut, but a few other things as well. For one, he was hot, and Dream’s body heat was certainly not helping with that, he couldn’t move into a more comfortable position, he had to piss, and to add mud to the dirt cake, he had an itch on his nose.


All he could do was lie there in fear and agony waiting for the sun to rise and bring forth a new day of torment and humiliation.
825 words

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