All Dolled Up Pt7 - Hot and Cold

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“Open wide, Dolly! Here comes the choo choo train!”

George sighed, but allowed the bottle to enter his mouth and quickly began to suck down its contents, squirming as a dull pain throbbed in his rear.

After his bath, Dream had taken the naked George back to his room, laid him across his lap, and delivered ten firm spanks for his outburst. It was embarrassing and hurt like a bitch, but Dream informed him that it was a “light punishment”. George didn’t want to imagine what the consequence for a severe offense would be. He planned on never finding out, but something in his mind knew that he would eventually. That tongue of his was too sharp for his own good…

After the spanking, Dream had picked him out another outfit. This time he was dressed in a military-style suspender skirt and a crisp white blouse on top. Although a lot more subdued than his previous outfit, he still hated wearing the girlish attire and longed for his own clothes.

He was currently being forced to drink another bottle of milk with god knows what in it. Besides the weakening drugs, Dream had informed George that the milk was pumped full of all the nutrients and vitamins that a doll could need.

As he drank, he noticed that the milk was a bit more...sweet tasting than usual. It was also a bit chalky. That was...odd if not a little concerning. However, he could only ponder for a moment more before Dream began to initiate his damned cooing.

“Such a good eater you are, darling! You’re so eager to drink your baba for master, aren’t you?”

“Hmmm…” George whined, trying to drink faster and get breakfast over with. He growled in his throat as Dream began to tickle underneath his chin.

“D’awww, what a cutie! Coochie coochie coo! Come on honey, finish up your bottle, and then we can play some more.”

Playtime. That sounded absolutely delightful…

Once empty, Dream plucked the bottle from his doll’s mouth and tossed it in the sink

“You wait right here, Dolly! I’m going to get some fun stuff!” He said before walking into a closet of some sort. Meanwhile, George began to test the restraints on his highchair. He tried pulling, twisting, and kicking but nada. He was held firmly in his embarrassing position. The male went limp, defeated. He could pull at the cuffs until his wrists broke, he would still be stuck.

Dream soon emerged from the closet, grinning and holding a pair of heavy stocks.

George gulped.


George of course fought against having his feet restrained, kicking, spitting, and hitting as he was dragged over. Considering he was still weakened by the drugged milk, it wasn’t very difficult for Dream to shove George’s feet into the padded holes, quickly locking them inside.

George was currently lying on his belly, hands banging and clawing at the floor while his bare feet kicked against their padded prison, awaiting their torture.

“Let me go, FREAK! For the last time, I am not a toy!”

Dream scoffed as he gazed down at George’s soles, already excited by what he was about to do with them. He straddled himself on George’s calves, effectively holding his legs down to prevent any kicks to the face.

“Oh hush, Dolly. You’re too grumpy all the time. You should laugh more, sweetheart!”

Before George could shout a snarky reply to this request, instantly burst into hysterical laughter as Dream dug all ten of his digits into the soles of his feet, rapidly scratching up and down, and even worming a few fingers between his toes. George tried thrashing his feet around, but with the stocks holding them in place, there wasn’t much room for them to escape the teasing fingers.


George’s hysterical reaction only fueled Dream’s hunger for more. Besides, he was already quite obsessed with George’s feet. He gushed over their size, softness, pinkish tint, as well as their shapely figure. Everything about them was absolutely perfect! Dream dug his nails deeper into George’s soles, leaving behind red scratch marks as he went faster and faster nearly driving his dolly insane from laughter.


George’s face flushed an even brighter red as he begged for the first time since arriving at his cutesie hell. It wasn’t even something violent or cruel that got him begging, but tickling...fucking tickling broke him.

Slowly, Dream stopped the tickle attack on George’s sensitive soles, letting out a few giggles the blond withdrew his assaulting fingers.

“I have to say, Dolly, you make an excellent “Tickle Me Elmo” replacement.”

George ignored Dream’s teasing and covered his blushing face with his hands, wishing that the laminate floor would just swallow him whole. He let out an embarrassingly high pitched squeal when the blond male took a quick swipe at the ball of his foot before getting up and walking away.

George took the quick moments of reprieve to catch his breath from the recent tickle torture he had just endured. He had hoped that Dream was done playing with him for the day, but that was nothing more than a silly fantasy. His fate was sealed once he felt his captor sit upon his calves once. The doll braced himself for another round of brutal tickle torture, but instead, he flinched when something cold was dragged across his still tingly and sensitive soles. He quickly came to the realization that the objects currently tormenting his feet were ice cubes.

Dream would rub and hold the ice cubes on George’s feet until they melted, and then would replace them with a fresh pair from the tray. Rinse and repeat.

Although not that bad at first, it quickly became almost unbearable, especially when Dream held the ice cubes in one spot for several minutes at a time. He winced in pain as he could feel ice burn beginning to form on his arches, as well as in a few other places. Not only that, but his nipples had become achingly hard, visibly poking through his white blouse. However, eventually, the ice cubes mercifully ran out.

“How are you feeling, Dolly.”

George could only chatter his teeth before responding with a simple “C-Cold!”

Dream chuckled “Hm, how about we warm you up then, sweetie?”

“No, please…”

This plea was ignored as with the switch of a lighter, Dream lit up a wax candle, holding it over his doll’s still quivering feet. Soon, the wax began to melt, dripping onto George’s soles. With his feet feeling colder than a reptile’s heart, the hot wax drips felt pleasant at first. The enjoyment didn’t last long though as the wax began to burn at George’s feet, making him writhe with pain.

“What’s worse, Dolly? The icy cold or the blistering heat.”

George responded by banging his wrists on the ground and thrashing his feet as much as their confines allowed. His small fit was brought to a pause as George felt something he never thought he would while in captivity: Arousal.

His hands quickly dropped to his crotch, trying to cover his shame from the few of his captor. He didn’t want to give him further reason to torment him…

However, it wasn’t long before Dream looked behind him as the small candle had begun to run out of wax. He saw George holding his hands over his bulge, instantly piecing together what had happened. He hummed with excitement.

Those drugs were really working after all…

“Hey, Dolly? Is there something wrong?”
1267 words

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