Just Desserts

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It had started out harmless enough; whenever George wanted to get off, he’d run to one of the two boys to help fulfill his need… the only thing was that neither of them knew that the British boy had been fucking both of them. It’s not that he was hiding any information from them, it’s just that he never clarified and they never asked. Plus, it was pretty much unspoken that they were just friends with benefits, so George didn’t think there was anything wrong with seeking pleasure from the two boys. It was honestly just a win-win situation, everyone got to get off. Well, George was starting to rethink his previous belief, because he was now staring at two very aggravated boys ready to pounce on him at any second.

“Wait, what do you mean you’ve been sleeping with George?!” Sapnap yelled, springing up from the sofa.

“I knew you’d freak out, but I wanted to be honest with you since we’re all friends. I didn’t want to hide it since-” Dream tried explaining.

“No, no, shut up for a second. You’re having sex with George?” Sapnap asked with disbelief.

“Yes. But I don’t want it to be weird with you and-”

Sapnap cut him off again. “Dude, he’s been sleeping with me.”

Dream just stared back, confused. “No, wait… I…”

“Yeah, we’ve been fucking for like a month now.”

“Has he been fucking us both… behind our backs?” Dream asked, feeling anger creep up.

“Heh, I guess one just wasn’t enough,” Sapnap laughed bitterly, matching Dream’s frustration.

The taller boy thought for a second before coming up with a plan. “You know what, let’s teach him a lesson.”

Being a Friday night, the bar was completely packed. Sapnap and Dream had made a plan to basically catch George in a lie and force him to admit to them what they already knew, and they thought that going out together to “hang out” would be a lot more convincing than them just sitting in an intervention circle at home. Ordering some snacks and beers, the boys just talked about random things while trying to unwind from the busy week.

Sapnap, resting his phone in his lap inconspicuously, was messaging Dream what they should say and when. Feeling the buzz from his phone, the freckled boy looked down to confirm the plan. T minus 5 minutes before they lay the bombshell knowledge on George and expose him. Everything so far was going according to plan, but they failed to consider a variable.

When George got up to use the bathroom, he accidentally ran into a stranger. A very handsome stranger. Surely, the other two boys wouldn’t care if he slipped away and said he had felt sick, right? Where’s the harm in a little fun, George thought to himself as he pressed a hand up to the smiling man’s chest, a little flirtatious motion and a silent request for them to go somewhere else. In the crowded bar, the man slipped a hand around George’s waist, pulling him in the direction of the back door.

Dream, confused as to why the shorter boy had stopped halfway to the bathroom, sat up a little further to see past the tip of the boy’s hair. That fucking whore, Dream thought to himself as he finally caught sight of the man George was wrapped around.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. Look at this,” the blonde gritted out, pulling Sapnap up to get a look.

“That.. little…” Sapnap said as he got up to approach the British boy.

Shifting his eyes to look over at the figure storming over to them from his peripheral, George’s face dropped when he realized the Texan had caught him red handed.

“Sapnap, I was just-” George started, hands shooting off of the stranger.

“Yeah, yeah, save it. I don’t wanna hear it right now,” the chestnut haired boy said as he pulled George to the empty alley from the back door. Dream, following closely behind, now joined the pair.

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