now go to bed

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Few months have gone by since George first stepped foot into his new home. Their new home, as in; George, Dream, and Sapnap.

Sure, they’re able to hang out together whenever they want, but they all have their own private zones per se. Each of their rooms aren’t filled to the brim with decorations or photos, though eventually, they’d like to.

George takes pride in the clean look, keeping his bed neat, his desk organized, and his things always organized to his idea of perfection. The Brit’s living style is as clean as glass.

Dream, on the other hand, thinks of having too-clean a room as if you’re stepping into a model home. It’s uncomfortable, to the point where if you take one step into the room, you’re going to make it dirty just by pressing a footprint into the ground.

They always say your room is a representation of your mind, which doesn’t always seem true, but for Dream, his mind is scattered, and bouncing around the walls. Like his room, that always has wrinkled sheets, crooked pillows, a sloppy desk from countless hours of editing or recording, and random clothes scattered on the floor.

Sapnap’s room is a fucking tornado. It’s chaotic, to say the least. Spills on the carpet, stains on his bed from who knows what, a half-broken bed frame, a broken closet door, and knuckle-shaped dents in the wall by his computer that occurred from late-night Valorant matches.

Who cares though? That’s what’s comfortable for each of them. They each like how they live in their own little zones, and it’s fitting for who they are.

But, with a new visitor in town, some arrangements have to be made.

Dream and Sapnap, before George moved, hunted for a three bedroom home. They didn’t want anything too big since it would give them unnecessary space, but they also wanted to be able to have enough space without disturbing others in the house if they were doing something.

So unfortunately, a guest bedroom does not fall into their final choice.

Sapnap and Dream helped Karl bring in his luggage, which wasn’t much of a surprise. Two suitcases and a large backpack, were not-so-carefully hauled into their home. George, to no one’s surprise once again, sat at the kitchen island enjoying a sandwich.

“Thanks for the help George!” Karl huffed as he slammed his backpack on the couch, “you really knocked it out of the ballpark on that one.”

“Yeah,” Sapnap said in equal agreement as he used both arms to swing one of Karl’s suitcases from the floor to the couch, right next to his backpack, “thanks princess.”

George smiled with a mouthful of his food, showing all of the ingredients through his teeth as he laughed out a sloppy ‘you are so welcome’ while he watched the two boys squirm in disgust.

“Ew- George!” Dream was also out of breath from the heaviest suitcase of them all, adding to the intense heat and sunshine Florida brought to them, “keep your mouth shut when you’re chewing- that’s! Ew just- no!”

Dream was the only one to not fully bring Karl’s suitcase into the living room, stopping himself in his tracks when he realized their lack of room. “Shit,” he mumbled under his breath.

Sapnap stood next to Karl, catching his breath with his hands on his hips, “huh?”

Dream took off his beanie- his cat beanie of course, and shook out his curls with his fingers. His movements looked annoyed, he was slouchy and almost angry at himself making passive aggressive facial expressions, “where the fuck is Karl gonna sleep?”

The boys all looked around, just as confused and slightly just as angry as Dream for not fully thinking this through.

“I mean,” Karl cleared his throat, wiping sweat from his forehead also caused by the temperature outside, “my stuff is already on the couch, I kinda just guessed that’s where I’d be sleeping.”

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