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George had always said he would never wear a maid costume on stream. He was never the type to understand why people would want to see that. He doesn't understand why people love it so much.

He hasn't been one to be feminine online. He doesn't wear makeup or skirts or tight shirts. He doesn't do his hair with clips or add any accessories to his look. He sticks to his baggy shirts and long shorts. His sweats are almost a trademark when he’s in the cold, and he sneaks a watch on with his chain necklace, but other than that, and the very rare appearance of black jeans, he is always masculine with his choice in clothing.

On camera that is…

George knows he looks grabbable, his waist is slim and his ass is round, hell he’s sure that if he spent the time to get his legs waxed he could be the epitome of a feminine man. He is also sure that a dress would hug his body in the best ways.

And that discovery is what led him to sitting at his computer and scrolling through Amazon. He doesn't particularly want to buy anything, he’s just looking. He typed in ‘bunny costumes’ but none of them are exactly what he is looking for. A bunch of them look cheap, with thin fabric or gross looking latex. It’s not a good search, so he backs out and types in ‘sexy bunny costumes.’ The first link that pops up is an Amazon link, but the one under it is a link to a lingerie store…

He clicks on it and it takes him to a page that shows a bunch of adult women posing in different colours. Some of the outfits have lace and mesh with them. Some have corsets and bows, but every single one has bunny ears. The colours are all matching, black with black, yellow with yellow, white with white, there’s even a pink set closer to the bottom. He tries to ignore the way his eyes immediately catch on to it, but he isn't super successful.

He scrolls back up, trying to ignore the way his heart wants to pop out of his chest. He’s blushing, he isn't sure why, but he can take a guess that it’s because he is picturing himself in the outfits.

He looks closer at one of the black ones with a mesh detail. It’s the first one on the page and he understands why. The woman wearing it is beautiful, but he isn't looking at her. He’s looking at the way the suit is so high cut along the waist and how the top connects into a collar-like-bow.

He would look good in it, he knows he would, but there's one problem. George is flat-chested, very flat-chested. He doesn't have the ‘ gritties ’ as people call them. He is completely flat and it never bothered him until now. Just below where his nipples would sit are cups for breasts, they are small, but they are still there and that's the problem. Nonetheless, the mesh outfit is at the top of his list, if he were to buy one, which he’s not.

His eyes move to the next one that catches his eye. It is black, but not plain. Its front has a dipping neckline, almost all the way to between the woman's thighs, but it has strings crossing over each other all the way down. It’s sort of like a corset, when George follows the strings he sees the tiny bow that sits at the base of the woman’s neck. It confirms his thoughts, it is definitely a corset, it’s just backwards.

The top part of the corset has lace that goes over the woman's shoulders, coming up the side of her neck just a little bit before it tapers off behind her. The bottom half of the bodysuit has this velvet-like-fabric, George isn't sure from just looking at it, so he clicks on it, ignoring the basic, lace, black, bunny ears. When he clicks to blow up the picture he is correct, it is velvet, he hums, maybe it would feel nice.

The next part of the suit is the elastics connecting the bottom of the bodysuit to the stockings that the woman wears. George smirks, he could probably fill out the stockings better, his thighs are definitely more full. He clicks on the left arrow, making the picture change. It’s the back now, a cute cottontail resting on the woman's ass, just below the expanse of mesh on her back, connecting the front to it.

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