Forced Chains - Pt2 - DONE

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Ranboo awoke slowly. Which in itself was unusual seeing as he had to be with Tubbo every waking moment and his method of waking Ranboo was usually very harsh.

Ranboo slowly opened his eyes only to close them after immediately being hit with a burst of sunlight.


Ranboo hadn't awoken to sunlight in what seems like years. Tubbo always woke up before the sun glazed over the city to get more work done for the day.

Ranboo contemplated as he sunk more into the bed. Which started up another unfamiliar sense. Ranboo was comfortable. That in itself wouldn't have stuck out if Ranboo hadn't been uncomfortable ever since he was brought into the castle and onto the hard stuffy bed of his. But this bed felt soft, like if given the chance Ranboo could sleep forever.

And that's almost what Ranboo did before the door opened.

George walked into the room and with him came everything that happened the previous night making Ranboo jerk up and wince as the injuries he got yesterday became apparent.

"Woah, woah," George said rushing towards Ranboo.

Ranboo flinched when George got to close and winced again.

George, taking the hint, stopped a little ways away from Ranboo.

"Don't move, you're going to hurt yourself." George started," I'm going to come over there but I swear I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to make sure you didn't reopen your wounds with all that jostling you did. Then you'll eat and maybe go back to sleep okay."

That, that sounded like a great plan seeing as Ranboo was just about to pass out already but his adrenaline was the only thing keeping him on his feet and looking at George right now. But Ranboo didn't know George, he didn't trust him at all.

That must've shown on his face because George said," I swear I want nothing more than to make sure you recover nicely. Please."

And maybe it was the way George said please with the most sincere voice Ranboo had ever heard or how his eyes seemed to brim with kindness that Ranboo could get lost in. But whatever it was made Ranboo lower the arm he didn't know he was holding and dropped his gaze to the floor. So, George took that as his sign to approach.

George was slow with taking care of Ranboo, making sure he constantly explained what he was doing and apologizing slightly when something stung. It was soothing and as George finished wrapping the last part of his arm Ranboo felt calm and slightly soothed.

"Okay done," George said tightening the band aid," Alright someone else is about to come in to bring the food. I'm just warning you so you don't get scared."

Ranboo nodded but kept his eyes glued to the floor. Sure enough, the door opened and someone stepped in with something that smelled heavenly. Maybe that was just because Ranboo hadn't eaten a meal that wasn't meant for anything but nutrients for a long time.

"George it's here." Said the unfamiliar man.

The voice had Ranboo take a quick glace up and look at the man. He had a weird smile mask on and a lime green sweater that sparked another memory of yesterday. Blinding pain and then that same green taking it away.

Then the guy glanced over and it had Ranboo shutting his gaze back onto the floor, but with the little chuckle the man gave he doesn't think he was successful.

"Hope you get better kid," Said Dream as he closed the door.

"You're practically a kid yourself," George said after him.

Ranboo didn't think he heard him, but the loud wheeze that followed proved Ranboo wrong.

"Here," George said holding a bowl of soup out to Ranboo.

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