Under arrest and an officer

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Crap, crap, crap.

George stared in horror at the eviction papers. How could he have been so stupid? His hands shook as he read back the paper one more time.

Dear George Davidson ,

A formal written warning was previously issued regarding your late payments. Your rental agreement clearly states after 2 weeks of no payment, the landlord/property manager has the legal right to kick the tenant out.

Due to the failure on your part to uphold the rental agreement and remedy such infraction, the Pogtopia community has no choice but to submit this notice of eviction as of 4/20/21.

You have been given a total of 2 weeks to sort out your affairs and pack your personal belongings. Failure to comply will result in legal action, up to and including physical removal of all tenants from the apartment and the property.



George dropped the letter on the ground as he buried his face in his hands, groaning in exasperation. How had it already come to be April 20th? Now instead of partying with Sapnap and getting high off his ass, George would be kicked out of his apartment.

George laughed bitterly and he looked to his side, empty boxes littering the living room. He’d been scrambling for the past two weeks, trying to scrape up enough money to pay his rent, that he’d neglected to pack any of his stuff up.

George started to pace back and forth in his kitchen, trying to figure out some way to stay in his apartment for just a couple more days, so he could pack and look for someplace to live. He yelled in frustration as he kicked the floor, and grumpily pulled out his phone, pulling up Sapnap’s contact and dialing.




Click “Heey George!” Music blared in the background and the sounds of people high out of their minds ran through the phone. George winced and pulled his ear away from the phone for a second.

“Hey Sapnap… look, can I crash with you for the next couple of weeks?” Desperation tinged his voice as George cringed at how pathetic he probably sounded.

Silence from the both of them as Crab Rave continuously blasted through the call, adding to George’s anxiety.

“.. Dude, I’m really sorry but I can’t.” George’s heart sank as the one person he was counting on to solve his life couldn't. George’s back hit a wall and he slid down, his hand running through his hair.

“It’s just that Karl and Quackity just moved in and I can’t spare any more space, and plus you’d kinda kill our vibe.” The words stung George’s heart as anger ignited in his heart.

“I’d 'kill' your vibe? What the fuck man? I’ve been there for you every time you’ve screwed up, can’t you be a fucking friend and reciprocate the help?”

George could feel Sapnap’s interest dwindling as he came off his burst of rage.

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