Throwing a Bone Pt2 - Training

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It was now the next day. When George awoke that morning, he felt slight relief, thinking that his recent humiliation was all just a perverted dream. His hope was lost when the dirty blonde male approached his doggie bed, smiling like a kid in a candy store.

“Good morning my puppy~.” He said in a sickly sweet tone. George merely gave him a sleepy moan and turned away.

Dream unhooked the chain from the collar and instead, attached his collar to a blue leash. Dream pulled at the leash, and George reluctantly followed.

“We’re going to start your basic training today, baby.” Dream informed him as they walked to the back door, and into the backyard. The yard had very high fencing surrounding it, so George didn’t even have a chance of somehow crawling away from “master.” Dream unhooked the leash.

“Ok, the first trick we’re going to learn is “sit”. All you have to do is put your cute little tush on the ground when I say “sit”.” Dream paused for a moment before saying “Sit”

George just stared at him, a defiant look on his face.

“Sit.” Dream commanded once more, but George still refused to submit.

A frown spread across Dream’s face as he grew frustrated with his defiant pet’s attitude. He withdrew a large, heavy paddle from his bag. In one quick motion, Dream cracked the paddle hard against George’s ass several times.

“Bad boy!”

George cried out as pain exploded onto his buttocks and on the back of his thighs. What made the spanking worse was the fact that the paddle had holes, making it easier to swing the instrument of torture.

“Sit.” Dream said more sternly this time, swinging one last time to emphasize his point.

George decided to swallow his pride and obey the order. It hurt too much to disobey. Slowly but surely, George lowered his sore and red ass to the ground.

Dream pat him on the head. “Good boy.”

George’s face grew even redder at the deeming compliment.

“Next, we’re going to learn “paw” When I say “paw”, you’re going to put your little pawsie in my hand.

George rolled his eyes as Dream explained the trick. He wasn’t stupid. He knew how to do these things, he didn’t need Dream to explain them.

“Paw.” Dream said, sticking out his hand.

George hesitated for a moment before putting his gloved hand in Dream’s.

Dream was now beaming with excitement, clearly pleased by George’s obedience.

Dream made George do all sorts of simple tricks. Roll over, play dead, speak, stuff like that. Sometimes when George refused to perform a trick, he would quickly be cracked on the ass with the paddle.

“The last trick for today is “kiss”. When I say ‘kiss’ you crawl over here and give your master a big kiss.” Dream said maliciously as he cautiously removed his muzzle.

“No.” George said back almost immediately. “I’m not fucking kissing you!”

Dream put his heel on George’s back, pushing him flush to the ground.

“I’m getting real sick of this attitude, puppy. Now you either take that back and do as I say or you’re getting disciplined again and hard this time! Five...four...three...two..”

George refused to give in. He wasn’t going to kiss the man who kidnapped him and has done nothing but degrade him. A little bit of spanking wasn't going to make him submit.

“Go burn in hell!”


In one quick, forceful movement, Dream pulled the squirming George onto his lap and began paddling his ass with all his strength. No more than ten spanks in and George’s behind was glowing bright red and bruised.

“OW OW OW OOWWWW! Dream, please stop! I’ll do it, I’ll kiss you! JUST PLEASE STOP!” George screamed, a look of extreme pain and shame on his face.

Eventually, the paddling started to slow and then stopped. George had hot tears running down his red cheeks, and his lip quivered slightly.

“Now, are you going to obey now, Georgie?” Dream asked, setting the paddle down.

“Y-Yes!!!” George replied as he rubbed his behind, trying to relieve some of the pain. Dream pushed him off his lap and stood up again.
“Kiss me.” He said sternly.

George didn’t have it in him to fight right now. As Dream leaned down, he pushed his lips against his. George kneeled there as stiff as a board as Dream deepened the kiss, as well as groped and kneaded at his aching ass. After about 5 minutes, the kiss was broken. Dream smiled, pet George’s hair, and strapped his muzzle back on.

“Good boy, Georgie! You did so well today! You did have a few hiccups, but I believe you still deserve a reward.

Unless the “reward” was his freedom, George didn’t want it. He had never been more humiliated in his life. From being forced to act like a dog, all the verbal teasing, being forced to learn these meaningless and deeming tricks, and being given the spanking of a lifetime, it was all too much.

“Dream, please stop. I-I can’t do this anymore. It’s too much and it's...embarrassing. I’m sorry I tried to turn you in, just please let me go. I promise I won’t even tell anyone where you live!” George begged pathetically.

Dream chuckled at him before tickling his chin.

“Awww. You’re so cute when you whine.”

God, if George didn’t have that fucking muzzle on he would have mauled the taller male at this point.
920 words

Dont read this, this is just stories I want to readDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora