Achilles Heel

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There's something George has been holding back.

Him and Dream, in a fairly newly-formed relationship ever since his arrival to the US a few months back, had a great sex life.

Seriously, it was great- communicative, passionate, spontaneous on some nights, planned, filled to the brim with tension on others. And when they did lay in bed late at night, exhausted and rosy-cheeked, they freely discussed what they enjoyed in sex.

Previously, Dream had professed his desire to pleasure his boyfriend, a service top at heart, and how a praise kink tied into that. And George had some of his own confessions to make as well: how he likes the blonde's voice, especially when it was low and whispering sinfully into his ear, how he loves that Dream is rough and carnal on certain days and sensual, slow, romantic on others.

But as George had been speaking about his desires, there was one thing posted in his thoughts. This thing, however, he was determined to keep to himself. No one could ever know. Dream included.

Sometimes it's necessary to have your own little secrets.

Everyone has their own kinks, right? Ones that they don't necessarily indulge in, ones that they have never confessed to a single soul, ones that they keep locked away at the back of their mind like forbidden words never to be spoken aloud.

For George it's pretty simple; he wants to be spanked.

And though this desire has been chipping away at him for years, he's been able to keep it under control. So far, at least.

Beforehand, it could be subdued through porn; when scrolling the hardcore section of videos you are bound to see someone getting obliterated in doggy style with an increasing number of pink handprints on their ass. Or, when the desire was more potent in his soul, he would watch a spanking video directly, paying little (lots of) attention to the fact that he always seemed to land on a video with a small brunette having their ass reddened.

George knows that the kink isn't bad, it isn't morally dubious, it's more common than unheard of. And even worse so, he knows that if he were to tell Dream, his boyfriend would be nothing but supportive.

Yet, he thinks that if Dream was to unlock this dark, caged corner of his heart, this pit of his own black thoughts swirling and bubbling, then he would be one step, a hop and a skip closer to knowing George whole and truly. He would know him like no one ever has.

Kinda terrifying. Deeply frightening.

See, what's special about the spanking is that it's just so humiliating.

It's not the pain George craves- he doesn't want to be belted or caned or have his bum bleed or bruised purple. No, he wants to be embarrassed. Degraded.

He wants to be spanked for the sake of being spanked. Bent over someone's lap, as if it's the only way to keep him in line, to make him learn his lesson, make him learn his place.

Meeting Dream happened to increase his wants tenfold. Not only because of the blonde's big, brutish hands that George thinks would look so lovely printed on his ass, also because Dream keeps unintentionally playing into his kink.

Occasionally, he'll be relentlessly teasing Dream in the kitchen, hearing him warn "you better stop George, or I'll make you regret it." to which George can only naturally reply with a sassy, "oh yeah, what're you gonna do?" and Dream will calmly state, "keep it up and I'll have you bent over my knee." And the purge alarms will siren in George's head.

At that point, George can only sputter out a helpless, "you would like that wouldn't you?", despite the one who's so desperate for it being none other than himself.

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