Yours to claim

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George's hand shook as he wheeled his suitcase behind him, the hum of the wheels echoing in the airport. It was sometime past midnight but he was here. He was finally home. After too many months and unexpected delays, he was in florida.

The mask hid his smile as he turned the corner into baggage claim to see his best friend leaning against a beam, face buried in his phone. Sapnap was wearing all black, including his stupid baseball cap. It was almost like he didn't want to be seen. Luckily there was barely a soul around at this point of night, mostly the reason they picked this flight.

"I spend my hard earned cash and fly across the world just to see you on your phone?" George half yelled, his voice echoing off the halls. Sapnap almost dropped his phone in surprise, head snapping up. His eyes scrunched, hinting at the smile under the mask. He met George half way and almost tackled him to the ground, making George practically squeak.

They laughed as George wrapped his arms around the other. He could practically feel the other's heartbeat through his chest. It was almost surreal to him. He was here. Sapnap was here. This was real.

Sapnap quickly jumped back, breaking the hug but keeping his hands on George's arms. George raised an eyebrow as the other studied his head. Sapnap's eyes widened before he groaned out of pain.

"Theres no way! We are getting measured as soon as we get home." The other said, standing on the balls of his feet. George smirked as he realized that he did have t look down at his friend a little bit.

"Oh my god. You cant still think you are taller." He said, rolling his eyes. Sapnap groaned again and grabbed the forgotten suitcase behind the taller one.

"Shut up dude. Lets get home before you-know-who thinks we died because we took too long." He said, walking towards the sliding doors. George smiled and followed the other. The butterflies in his stomach calmed down a bit. Nothing felt different or forced. It was like how they always are.

But the gnawing in his stomach was still there and unfortunately George knew the reason why. It was too perfect that Sapnap forgot to bring th-

"Oh wait, is there a bathroom around here?" Sapnap said as he looked around, stopping at the doors. The doors opened, pushing the warm florida air against the air conditioning, sending chills down George's spine. He forced out a nervous laugh as he stopped with the other.

"Why? Cant you just hold it?" He asked, biting his cheek. Sapnap glanced at him before his eyes locked onto the bathrooms a few feet away. The younger one grabbed George's hand and dragged him over the men's bathroom. George made a noise of disapproval and matched the pace of the other, leaning towards his ear.

"Sapnap please." He quietly begged as they got near. Sapnap ignored the other and put the luggage outside the door. He dragged the other into the bathroom, quickly checking the stalls.

"Lock the door." It was an order. A tone that George was too used to. George nodded and locked the door, quietly hoping security was dumb enough to think that they just really needed the bathroom. When he turned around, Sapnap was already in front of him.

"What are the rules?" The ravenette asked as he fished something out of his pocket. George felt both arousal and dread as the chastity cage was brought out into light.

It was originally a joke. Him, Sapnap, and Dream in a call for way too long and way too sleep deprived to filter the words coming out of their mouths. Sapnap was talking about a porn he watched where someone was wearing a chastity cage, joking how he would want to put someone in a cage. George mumbled out how it was hot, quickly hoping his mic didn't pick it up. Much to his dismay, the two boys on the other side of the ocean wanted to know more.

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