Oh, Dreamie

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George sat on the kitchen counter, sock covered feet swinging back and forth, knocking against the cabinet when they came back. He didn’t care about the noise though, he had earbuds pressed in his ears, listening to tiktoks off his phone.

Dream however was beginning to get fed up with the constant thunk when George kicked the cabinet door, not to mention he was probably denting it. The blond rises, huffing softly in frustration as he goes to his boyfriend. He comes up right between his legs, grabbing the back of his legs right below his knees,”Stop.”

George stares up at Dream dumbly, eyes full of confusion. He carefully tugged on the wires of his headphones, tugging them out,”What?” He asks incredulously, still not getting why his boyfriend seemed so angry.

“Stop hitting your feet against the cabinet, you’re so loud..and you’re probably breaking it!” He pulls his hands back to throw them in the air in exasperation nHe regrets pulling them away, George’s soft skin under his hands was always a welcome feeling. George had begun shaving his legs regularly a month or two into the start of their relationship. Never really gave much explanation besides that ‘he liked it’ and ‘it feels nice’. Dream blinks, looking back down at his small boyfriend who seemed to be speaking, his mind had wandered and now he had to tune back in.

“-you so mad, you could’ve just asked me to stop instead of just grabbing me you brute, I didn’t even do anything..” George spoke quickly, glaring and beginning to pout childishly, he knew it could get him his way.

Another thing about George is that he’s a brat. It’s pretty obvious when you think about it and Dream had known beforehand the boy bit back quite a lot, but he’d assumed the brattiness would tone down when they were officially together. Boy was he wrong. Of course he’d grown to love it, it was his favorite thing to deal with a bratty George, grabbing his wrists and pinning him down could usually get him a stupidly good boy babbling back at him. Dream tries to pull his mind out of the gutter, but it was so hard, George had gotten all flushed because he was angry which was really not helping his thought flow.

“Can you go now if you have nothing to say?” George says, annoyed as he stares at his younger friend who seemed to be gazing blankly back at him. He unplugs his earbuds and begins to play the tiktoks again, which meant the loud annoying noises now echoed through the room. He knew it made Dream mad when he did so.

Dream’s brow furrows and he plucks the phone right out of George’s hand and shuts it off,

“Hey!” He shrieked angrily and slid off the counter, jumping to get the phone which his unfairly tall boyfriend was holding high above his head,”Give it back! You’re so fucking annoying.” He snaps, regretting the words as soon as they left his mouth. He cowers as Dreams stare shifts to him, expression calm, but he knew the anger behind those eyes,”Color?” He asks, voice sickeningly sweet.

George gulps, backing up against the counter, hands squeezing the cold marble,”Green.” He answers, voice surprisingly strong.

As soon as Dream got his answer he grabs George’s hair roughly and begins to drag him to the couch. George hisses and yelps, grabbing his wrist to try and stable himself. Dream sits, letting go of George while he was still standing in front of him. He threw the phone off onto a different chair then stares at the boy in front of him.

“Someone’s being a brat today, huh? Is it because you want attention you fucking whore? Does my sweet princess want to be fucked like a slut?”

George mouth falls open, freezing where he was. Sure they’d delved into some kinky things, a bit of bondage, the occasional ‘sir’ or even ‘daddy’ but Dream usually leaned towards praising George sweetly to get him to behave or convincing him with the good old question of ‘don’t you want to be my good boy?’. But this was so much hotter.

Dont read this, this is just stories I want to readWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt