All Dolled Up Pt1 - May I borrow your appearance, good sir?

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George's eyes fluttered open sleepily as he was awoken by some commotion. He groaned, assuming it was his kitten playing around. He closed his eyes again before groggily scolding the kitten.

“Kitty, stop… it's bedtime. We’ll play tomorrow…”

The rustling only grew louder. It sounded like it was coming from the closet. Maybe the cat was playing with the hangers in the closet. As cute as that was, George wanted some sleep.

“Kitty...please. Be quiet.”

The shuffling only grew louder, and George was quickly getting annoyed. He turned over in his bed, ready to snatch the cat up by his scruff and away from the closet.

He froze. His eyes locked on a dark menacing figure standing in front of his closet. He reached over, fumbling to switch on the lamp on the nightstand. He wanted to see if his eyes were deceiving him. When he eventually managed to switch on the lamp, the soft light illuminated the dark bedroom. The figure turned, freezing upon realizing that it had been caught.

The creature was an inky black demon with sharp horns, claws, and bat-like wings. His pale eyes seared through George’s soul, freezing him in place with fear. His adam’s apple bobbed up and down as a scream built up. The scream never escaped his maw.

As he opened his mouth to let out an ear-piercing scream, the demon used his magic to clamp his lips shut and lift him in the air telekinetically.

“HMMM HMMMM! HMMMMMMMM!” George tried to scream but it only came out as muffled cries.

The demon’s expression softened, almost as if George was simply a misbehaving child.

“Oh my goodness. I didn’t think you’d wake up this early…”

George glanced down and noticed that the demon was wearing his clothes. His face quickly twisted into one mixed with fear as well as confusion. The demon quickly picked up on the human’s confusion.

“Oh, you must be confused. Understandably so…”

George continued to squirm in the magical hold as the demon explained the current situation.

“Don’t worry, my friend. I am not going to bring you any harm. I’m afraid I can’t give any specific details of my plan, but all you need to know is that I need to borrow your appearance for an unforeseen amount of time.”

“Hmmm!” George tried to cry out again as the demon pulled out a roll of duct tape and began wrapping it around his head. The demon then began to restrain his wrist and ankles, making sure to wrap the thick tape around multiple times.

“Hmm! Hmmm! HMMMMM!” George protested as he was restrained and silenced with tape.

George’s eyes widened in shock and awe as a bright flash engulfed the demon’s dark body. Once he emerged, George’s eyes widened even more, this time in horror.

The demon had stolen his appearance! He was now a spitting image of the Englishman, and god was it eerie. It was like looking in a mirror.

“Ah. Much better don’t you think?” The demon asked mockingly, making George furrow his brow in anger. He began to struggle again, shouting obscenities through the tape. His rage burned even hotter when the demon simply laughed at his small tantrum.

The demon snapped his fingers, making a large duffel bag appear out of thin air. George stopped struggling, but only for a moment. He quickly began to thrash and scream again once he realized what was about to happen with the said duffel bag.

“Now don’t you worry, you little muffin head. While the new and improved George is out, a good friend of mine is going to take real good care of you!”

“Hmmm…” George whined out as a few salty tears ran down his face as he was folded and crammed inside the bag.

The demon only smiled, booping his captive’s nose before zipping the bag shut.

As the duffel bag was hoisted up, the man inside could only squirm, lick at the tape covering his mouth, and cry.
678 words

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