Throwing a Bone Pt11 - Closing Act

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George remained completely still, listening for any further sounds. He silently prayed that he hadn’t awoken his captor. Perhaps he had merely shifted in bed in an attempt to get comfortable.

George broke out into a cold sweat when he heard the sound of soft footsteps on the creaky floorboard. George’s eyes shrank pinpricks when he heard Dream’s bedroom door swing open.

“No. No. NO!” George screamed in his head. It couldn’t end like this! Not when he felt so close to being able to walk again. He needed to think fast, or all of his work and humiliation of pretending to be a submissive floozy would be for nothing. If Dream found out what he was doing, he would probably put those tortuous spiked heels back on him or worse…

It was then that an idea popped into George’s mind. The scheme may have been flimsy, but it was all he could think of in the span of about 5 seconds.

“Georgie, are you alright. You’ve been making an awful lot of noise out here.”

George nearly let out a scream when he heard Dream’s voice.

“” He stuttered out.

“You’re drenched in sweat, are you feeling ok?” Dream asked before putting his hand on George’s forehead, checking for a fever.

“N-No...I just had a n-nightmare…”

“Hmm. It sounded like you were kicking at the walls. Must have been a pretty bad nightmare, honey.” Dream said concerned.

“ was. I’m sorry I woke you up…”

George gasped as Dream suddenly picked him up, nuzzling his nose into his neck affectionately.

“My poor baby!” Dream cooed as he bounced him up and down like an infant.

George blushed at Dream’s coddling but instinctively wrapped his hands around his neck. George was confused when felt Dream walking.

“Where are we going?”

“I figured you’d want to sleep in my bed tonight.”

“Oh, no I don’t want to be a bother.”

“Nonsense! Besides, my bed’s been feeling a bit too large lately.” Dream dismissed as they reached the bedroom.

Dream gently placed George down on his large bed before crawling in beside him.

Out the corner of George’s, he could see something small, yet crucial.

Dream’s bedroom window was open.

There it was, the opportunity George was waiting for. The only problem was that he didn’t know if his legs were strong enough to carry him just yet. That thought was left in the back of his mind by the sheer excitement he felt.

He needed to get the tall man distracted somehow, and he knew just the way to do it.

George rolled over and kissed Dream passionately on the mouth. Dream flinched, caught off guard by George’s sudden act of affection, but quickly melted into it. He moaned when felt George reach down into his flannel pajama pants and begin to slowly stroke his member.

As the kiss was broken, Dream completely pulled his pajama pants off, carelessly tossing them on the carpeted floor. He reached up at the shelf above the bed, grabbing a small bottle of lube, smearing a generous amount on his member. He reached behind George and pulled out the fuzzy butt plug, making the puppified boy cringe slightly.

Meanwhile, George straddled Dreams legs and leaned down, giving his testicles a few kitten licks while looking flirtatiously up at him. This excited Dream so much that he reached out, grasping onto George’s hips.

“R-Ride me, whore” Dream groaned out as he bucked his hips excitedly.

“You better enjoy this because it’s the last time you’ll ever get to fuck me.” George thought smugly as he mounted himself on Dream’s slick cock.

He sat on the hardened member for a minute, allowing his body a chance to adjust to the intrusion. While he waited, his eyes flicked up to the shelf hanging above the luxurious bed. Up there were a few books, pens, and a plant in a blue porcelain vase.

His attention was brought back upon Dream as the male began to grope at his ass.

George began to bounce up and down on the long and girthy rod as the owner of it moaned in pure ecstasy. He wouldn’t last too much longer…

As Dream neared his orgasm, George looked longingly at the wide-open window as he let out a few moans himself. He had spent weeks longing for his freedom, and now that the opportunity presented itself, part of him was hesitant on leaving. Deep down, George enjoyed the depravity. He enjoyed being Dream’s pampered little puppy, and he enjoyed the admittedly kinky sex they had. Still, the much more dominant part of George’s mind argued that he didn’t and that the only reason he could even slightly enjoy this was from Dream’s conditioning. If he wanted to prevent himself from becoming a brain broken mutt, he had to act soon.

George let out a gasp as he felt Dream’s satisfied cock pump a generous amount of cum into him. Dream closed his eyes and threw his head back onto the pillow as rode out the high of his explosive orgasm.

It was time. Dream was now at his most weak and vulnerable, and he didn’t have much time.

As quietly as he could, George plucked the heavy vase off of the shelf, holding it as steadily as he could with his gloved hands, and slammed it as hard as he could onto his captor's head.

The vase shattered, shards embedding themselves into Dream’s forehead. Dream’s body went limp as he was knocked unconscious by the sudden blow to the skull.

George was panting and shaking like a leaf. He was still in utter disbelief of what he had just done, but he didn’t have time to relish in his success.

It was time to run...
969 words

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