Officially Appointing The Third Wheel

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“I know what you said, but why don’t you listen to me. As your friend I really think you should say something.”

They had been such simple words, but Dream couldn’t get them out of his head.

Sapnap really had put it in perspective, something he hadn’t wanted to think about for the longest time. He was in love with George, and unless he said something they’d never become anything more than best friends. If Dream wanted something more, he was going to have to do the work and say something.

It scared him. The thought of losing George was almost too much. What if George hated him? Or was disgusted? Well, he actually knew George would never do either but that didn’t actually help much with the crushing fear. Even just messing up their friendship a little bit was worrying.

But Dream had also realized he’d probably never ever be able to move on.

He loved everything about George.

The way he acted like a petulant brat able to sway everyone to his will was great. How he loved special attention and preening under it. But there was also the way he was so sweet and appreciative, so sentimental and straightforward. He’d kept the little trinkets Dream had sent him and had them sitting on his desk. He’d bring them up in conversation and show them on stream. George wasn’t always great at showing his feelings, but he never went without showing his care and appreciation.

Everything about him made Dream want to treat him with the utmost care and love. He deserved all the special attention. Anyone who ever crossed his path should treat him specially always.

And Dream was not immune, at all. George could ask him very sweetly to hand over his YouTube account or credit card info and Dream would have one hell of a time trying to deny him.

Whenever Dream would edit a video, grab him a snack, surprise him with a trinket, George would react with a giddy smile and a bright laugh. It would make even his worst days better. He’d get a ton of views on a video, or raise a lot of money for a good cause and George would congratulate him. The praise he’d get from the shorter could keep him going for days. It pushed him to be a better person, it brought out the best in him.

Dream loved all his friends and they were all so good for him. They made him happy and made him feel welcomed no matter what. They were an amazing group that he’d never trade for anything in the world. And while George was of course part of this group, he grown to be so much more.

It would have been more of a surprise if he HADN’T fallen in love. There was something about George that drew people in, and his personality kept them there.

George with his big laugh and contagious sense of humor. The way he’d really get invested in things and the way he’d unabashedly go for what he wanted. His dislike of editing and his bad sleeping habits. The way he’d hold Patches oh so gently with the fondest smile. The way he’d act silly in a vlog or on stream because he was having fun and was so comfortable in his own skin. His snappy replies and his jokes that were sometimes bad. The way he ragdolled when jumping excitedly and falling or the way he got out of breath after going up too many flights of stairs. Or when he’d use game slang irl and make everyone roll their eyes.

He’d get so excitable and expressive when interacting with their friends and he’d laugh without restraint. The joy he’d express was catchy and it would make everyone else happy to.

Literally all of it was endearing and just one more piece of the puzzle that was what made him so lovable.

Sure George would do things that pissed Dream off, but damn was it hard to stay mad at him. He’d grown so accustomed to George in his life he’d probably never be able to function correctly again without him. If his life was a puzzle, George was an important piece that brought everything together.

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