Watch Your Mouth

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was a mistake to come to the bar. George had initially thought it would be a good idea to wind down from the hectic week with his friend by getting drunk, but George had no idea what would happen when they got there.

It started when Dream went to use the bathroom. George was just checking his phone absentmindedly when a very intoxicated man walked up to George sitting in the corner.

“Hey baby, I saw the guy that you were with earlier….” the guy slurred while trying to remember what he was going to say, “and I just wanted to say that I could treat you so much better. Could give your tight little ass so much more.” George was stunned. He had never been hit on so directly before by anyone, let alone a man, so he didn’t know how to respond.

“Cat got your tongue?” the man smirked as he started to corner George against the wall while feeling up his inner thigh. George was now beyond uncomfortable, but didn’t know what to do. “Uhh, I’m sorry but no….” Where the fuck was Dream?

“Don’t be a stuck up bitch, come on, stop playing hard to get,” the man said more aggressively. George was now starting to get scared. He was all the way in the back of the dimly lit bar where no one could hear him over the loud music or see him.

“I- I-“ George stuttered as the man was tightly gripping George’s hands to prevent him from pushing him away.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” George let out a sigh of relief at the familiar voice.

“Heh, you must be the boyfriend to this man whore. You’re lucky, I bet he’s tight as fuck,” the guy sneered at Dream. George could see how cold Dream’s face went. His jaw was clenched to the point where George was surprised his teeth were still intact, and his fists were firmly locked at his sides as the blood rushing to them caused his veins to pop out.

“I’m giving you one more chance to get the fuck outta here,” Dream spat out with venom laced words.

“Yeah, I’ll get outta here, and take this piece of ass with me,” the man grinned. George looked to Dream. Oh shit, Dream’s actually going to kill this guy. Before the man could even process what was happening, Dream grabbed George’s beer bottle and smashed it against the side of the man’s head. People in the bar had now turned around at the sound of smashing glass, and were reacting to the commotion. The man, now wobbling, tried to swing back at Dream, but because of how much the other man had drank, he completely missed.

George popped up from his seat to try and stop Dream. “Dream, wait-“

“Watch your fucking mouth next time, bitch,” Dream almost growled. He pulled the man up to his level and threw him against the wall and swung at his face, knocking out the man. People were now phoning the police and calling for security.

“Dream… we should go…” George said as he was holding Dream back. “Actually, yeah we need to go like right now.” George could hear the sirens in the distance, and he really didn’t want to get mixed up with the police.

Dream, breathing still unsteady from the adrenaline, looked to George, “Back door.” They both ran out and were running down the block to where they parked. Luckily, there was no way the cops would care enough to chase them down for a petty bar fight. They hopped in the car, and Dream started driving back. The car ride back was silent, but George could still feel the anger radiating off of Dream.

“Thanks… for back there.” George said quietly.

“Why did you just sit there and let him touch you like that,” Dream snapped with a controlled anger.

“I- I just couldn’t move.”

“You should have fought back, what would you have done if I didn’t walk back then? What would happen if you were completely alone?” Dream said with a clenched jaw as he gripped the steering wheel harder.

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