Leashing a Cat(boy)

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George was ignoring Dream. Or at least trying to. Ever since the charity stream the taller had had it in his mind that George would look oh so nice with a collar and connected to a lead. George on the other hand nearly died from the secondhand embarrassment that accompanied the thought alone.

But Dream wasn’t the type to give up without a fight. No no, he’d come up with a plan and George would give in eventually.

Their dynamic usually ended up like this anyways. One or the other insisting on something to the point where the other just couldn’t turn them down. George was just being far more stubborn this time around.

Dream did like a challenge.

However, Dream always respected George’s boundaries, no ifs ands or buts. After the last time George had worn the outfit he’d actually said he wouldn’t mind a leash. But the morning after he’d quickly denied ever saying that out of embarrassment. And Dream was sure they both enjoy it should George loosen up and give it a chance. Hence his insistence about the whole thing.

He thought that a bet might be a good way, but after losing to Sapnap Geoege had avoided them like the plague. Valid, to be honest. Twitter had been full of catboy Gogy images for at least two days after the stream. Even now every tweet George made was guaranteed to have at least one reply with an image in it. Dream got a lot to, looking back on it. Not that Dream minded, George looked adorable in all of them.

Though, not as adorable as he had been bent over and full of Dreams cock.

And that thought led Dream to his next want. George on a leash. Catboy on a leash, who wouldn’t want that? And this time it would be all for him, no sharing with their fans, or random people on the internet, or even Sapnap. All for him. As it should be! People could look at and appreciate George, but the second he was in a collar and leash Dream didn’t want anyone else getting the opportunity to gander.

So when Sapnap was next out, visiting Karl once again, he took his chance. George was laid out on his bed, stretching out and scrolling through his phone. His shirt was pulled up just enough to expose a tempting length of skin, unmarked and beautifully pale skin.

He was relaxed and rested, actually having slept a lot the night before and he’d actually woken up at a decent time today. After a long session of avoiding editing his next video he really should take the time to… unwind.

“Georgie~” Dream sang, walking into the room with his hands behind his back and an all to innocent grin on his lips.

George glanced over, greeted him, then immediately did a double take “What do you want?” He was suspicious, and Dream was acting very suspicious so that checked out.

Dream smiled fondly down at him “I want you to do something for me George. I’m calling in the favor you owe me.”

“I don’t owe you anything.”

“Hmmm? And who was it that edited the entirety of your last video?” Got him. Sometimes Dreams simp behavior worked out for him in the long run.

George paused, frowned, and sat up “What do you want?” He repeated, leaning back on his hands and cocking his head to the side. His eyes were narrowed and his tone was perhaps just a touch nervous.

Dream brought his hands out from behind his back. In his hands was a black leash, specifically made for human use mind you. It matched with the collar George had worn for the charity stream.

Speaking of George, the others face had gone red. His narrowed gaze and turned to scowling and he was already shaking his head.


Dont read this, this is just stories I want to readNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ