All Dolled Up Pt4 - The Game

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Once he finished his bottle, Dream removed the table from the high chair and hoisted the still sobbing George from it. He took his doll to the soft couch, cradling him as he sat down. George struggled in the hold, but it only made Dream hold onto him tighter. George tried to lift his hand to swipe at his captor but found he could only lift it about halfway before flopping back down to his side.

This made George panic slightly. He looked up at the blond, demanding an explanation.

“Don’t worry hun, I just put a little special ingredient in your milky. It’ll help you relax and be more like a doll.”

George’s eyes widened in horror.

“NO!” He squeaked out, trying to maneuver himself off of his captor's lap, but the drugs were already beginning to take their toll. The brunet could feel his body growing lither by the second. His face was burning with anger.

Dream tried to soothe his fussing porcelain doll by stroking the side of his face, but this only resulted in George whipping his head around in an attempt to bite at his owner. Dream quickly yanked his fingers away before delivering a firm slap to George’s face.

“You don’t bite at your owner, Dolly!”

“FUCK YOU!” He shouted back, making Dream narrow his eyes.

“I’m not your doll, and you’re not my owner!”

As George continued to shout and argue with Dream, he didn’t realize that the man was fishing something out of his jean pocket.

“And stop calling me “Dolly”! My name is Geor-HMMM”

George was quickly silenced as a pacifier was jammed into his mouth. As much as he would have liked to spit it out and continue to berate Dream, that option was quickly removed as the straps attached to the pacifier were fastened around his head.

He still tried to dislodge the pacifier gag, although his efforts could have easily been mistaken for suckling.

“Aahhh. That’s much better.” Dream said, enjoying the quiet, although George continued to scream at him through the gag,

“Perhaps that will calm you down while I lay down some ground rules.”

“HMMM HMMMF!” George protested, but Dream still went on.

“First things first, you are a doll and your name is Dolly. I don’t care what your name was before, while I have you, it's Dolly. I am your master and you are my toy. Your body no longer belongs to you, but to me. I will feed you, bathe you, pick out your outfits, and play with you however I please.”

“FMMMF OMMF!” George screamed through the pacifier. Although muffled, Dream could tell that his doll had just told him to “fuck off”. He hiked George’s frilly skirt up and firmly swatted at his ass.

“You will not say those disgusting words to me!”

This made George flair his nostrils. How dare this man scold him as if he were a child! Now George would have liked to punch the man in his stupid fucking face and demand some respect, but unfortunately, his current state made that close to impossible. All he could do was continue to throw a fit and listen to Dream’s orientation about his humiliating torture.

“Now, you need to understand that you are MY plaything. That means that I can do anything I want to you.”

He lightly kneaded at George’s ass, reinforcing his attention.

“That means you will be anything I want you to. If I want you to be my porcelain doll, my babbling baby, my slut, my stupid bimbo, or even my pet, then that’s what you will be.”

While Dream explained this, his face twisted into a sinister smirk, making George shiver back in horror and disgust. That all sounded, to put it lightly, unpleasant…

“Any disobedience will be met with punishment, the severity of it being determined by the offense. Now you can choose to be obedient, and live in relative comfort, or you can be a brat and likely be miserable all the time.”

Dream pinched George’s rosy cheek, making him grumble and glare at the freckled blond with fiery, hateful eyes.

“You’re so cute when you’re grumpy!” He remarked before continuing.

“Now I don’t really care if you decide to be good or not. It’ll still be fun for me. Besides, even if you don’t want to, you’ll still play.”

Dream leaned his head forward, whispering something that made George shiver with fear.

“I can promise you that, Dolly…”
750 words

Dont read this, this is just stories I want to readWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt