Throwing a Bone Pt5 - Heat

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George whimpered as he watched Dream eat his breakfast of scrambled eggs and bacon. He was so hungry. He hadn’t eaten anything in over 3 days, and it was starting to get to him. His empty stomach cried out for nourishment constantly, and he was nearly crippled by the ravening hunger pains. He wasn’t going to be able to bear it much longer. He had virtually no energy from malnutrition and simply laid motionless in his doggie bed. He opened his eyes slightly when he heard Dream get up from the table.

“Do you want some food, Georgie?” He asked sweetly.

George blinked at him.

“Come on, Georgie. You haven’t eaten in days. I know you must be hungry.”

George looked down and thought for a moment

“You’re going to need your energy if you’re going to escape.” He thought to himself.

With that, George crawled out of his doggie bed and into the kitchen, keeping his eyes on the ground. When he got to the kitchen, he looked up and noticed Dream holding a dog bowl.

“Sit.” He commanded, to which George obliged. He didn’t even care about being rebellious right now. He just wanted to eat. He would worry about pissing Dream off later.

“Good boy.” Dream said before placing the bowl in front of him.

George made a face when he saw what was in the bowl. It was a large bowl of kibble.

“Because what else would it be?” George thought to himself.

Still, he needed at least something in his stomach, so he closed his eyes and began to chow down. The food wasn’t bad, but that was mostly because it tasted like nothing at all.

“Good boy, Georgie. I’m so happy that you’re eating now. If you finish it all, I’ll give you a treat!”

“Oh, woopie-fucking-doo!” George said sarcastically as he swallowed another mouthful of kibble.

When the bowl mercifully emptied, George sighed in relief. While the meal didn’t taste that great, it had at least been filling.

“That’s a very good boy. Now you go wait in the living room while I get your reward ready.” Dream said as he pet George’s hair.

George rolled his eyes as he crawled to the living room and sat down on the carpet. It wasn’t long before Dream walked into the living room, holding that fucking bottle…

He sat down on the carpet next to George.

“Ugh, why do you want me to drink from that bottle so fucking bad!?”

“Oh, you’re such a silly puppy, Georgie. You need to drink your milky to grow big strong. Now come and sit.”

Dream said as he patted his leg. George looked at him in disgust.

“Oh, you’re not serious.”

“Oh come on! Don’t you want your Master to feed you your baba?”

“I’d rather be put to sleep.”

Dream was beginning to grow impatient with his puppy.

“Well, you can either drink your bottle or I could give you more belly scratchies.”

George sighed before he slowly crawled over and settled in Dream’s lap. He wasn’t ready for another belly scratching session just yet.

Dream cradled George’s head in his arms, lovingly stroking his hair as he pressed the amber nipped against his lips. George slammed his eyes shut as he allowed the bottle in and began to suckle. Dream relished at the moment as he watched George’s face turn to a light shade of pink.

Dont read this, this is just stories I want to readTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon