I've Got You

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George was laying in his bed, his bedroom dark and the window open with a light breeze coming through.

He had been trying to fall asleep for hours, but had been failing. His body did not want to let him sleep at all. He wasn’t sure why either, considering he was exhausted.

It was beginning to frustrate him. He just wanted to sleep. He had walked away from his desk hours ago, and set his phone on the nightstand hours ago as well. So why wasn’t it working?

He grumpily rubbed his eyes, feeling a familiar fog begin to cloud into his mind at this point.

He furrowed his eyebrows in annoyance. Why now? He didn’t want to deal with slipping right now, as much as it might help him sleep in the end. But he knew his little self refused to sleep alone half the time. Sometimes the darkness was too overwhelming for him, and produced fear rather than sleepiness.

The more he tried to fight it off, the more it seemed to wash over him. His head hurt a bit as he tried to push it down, which made a small whimper leave his lips.

George eventually gave up and let the fuzziness take over his brain, feeling himself slip younger as he yawned tiredly.

His eyes had begun to scan around his room as he tried to search in the dark for his soft bunny plush.

“Bunbun?” His soft voice called out into the darkness, sounding a bit scared. Little George hated the dark.

He leaned over his bed and reached down carefully, his eyes squeezed shut in fear that a monster would grab his arm and pull him down. But as soon as he touched familiar softness, a wave of relief washed over him.

His fist closed around his bunny’s arm and he quickly pulled him up onto the bed with him.

George laid back down, Bunbun enclosed safely in his arms now.

“Got you, Bunbun. ‘S scawy dow’ there, huhs?” He whispered into the bunny’s fur. He pressed a small kiss to the top of his head and cuddled him closer to his body.

The little’s eyes were open and looking around his dark bedroom, a pout on his lips.

He wanted his dada.

A tree branch outside hit against the side of the house from the breeze, causing George to flinch and whimper in fear. He sniffled while tears began to well up in his eyes and his heart rate sped up.

Where was dada? Why wasn’t dada here?

Big George understood that his boyfriend was busy working on codes for a new plugin, but little George obviously didn’t and assumed the worst.

Tears started to roll down his cheeks, another flinch coming from him when the same branch hit against the house yet again. His bunny got squeezed to his chest as a sob left his lips.

The darkness was now becoming too much for his little mind, along with all the scary noises from the outside. He didn’t like it.

George struggled to pull himself up from his bed, quickly making a run for the door and yanking it open after a bit of struggle.

He began to run down the dark hallway, the moonlight from the windows being the only source of light for him. He quickly ran to Dream’s office door, stopping when he saw it was shut. He whimpered to himself and struggled with the doorknob, Bunbun’s hand clenched tightly in his own.

The doorknob turned from under his hand and the white wooden door was pulled open, revealing his dada. George looked up, just in time to see Dream’s face change from confusion to concern, before he quickly fell into his arms with sobs leaving his lips.

“Hey.. Baby..” Dream whispered, rubbing George’s back as he held him protectively. “What’s going on, my love?”

George sniffled and buried his face in Dream’s chest, “Scawy.” He whimpered, pushing himself closer into the familiar warmth that his boyfriend carried.

Dream frowned, an ache in his heart at the sight of his distressed boy.

“What’s scary, baby? Bad dream?” He asked the little, making sure to keep his voice soft and calm so he didn’t scare him anymore. He knew George got overwhelmed easily, especially when he was little and more vulnerable.

George shook his head, “Could’n seep..” He whimpered as he sniffled again. “Too dark n scawy. ‘Don like it.” He explained.

Dream’s heart broke a little, feeling terrible that he hadn’t gone to bed with his boyfriend when he first retreated to their shared room in the first place. He knew he should’ve, but he figured the smaller boy would be able to fall asleep with ease.

Clearly his assumptions were wrong.

Dream hummed. His hand rubbing soothing circles on George’s back was enough to calm the small boy down at least a little.

“How about we go back to the room together, yeah? Dada will lay with you and help you fall asleep, okay? Pinky promise..” Dream whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of George’s head.

George pulled his face away from the taller man’s chest, meeting his eyes. “Pwomise?” He whispered back.

A gentle hand reached up and carefully wiped away the tear tracks on George’s cheeks, Dream giving him a soft smile. “Promise.”

Much to Dream’s relief, a small smile made its way onto the little’s face. George nodded happily, sniffling again as he stepped back and grabbed hold of Dream’s hand.

“C’mon, dada. We go lay n hug!” He spoke, his voice still a little scratchy from his crying but much better than it was before.

“One second, angel, I have to turn off my computer. Okay? Just one quick second.” Dream told him, letting go of his hand carefully and hurrying over to his PC.

George waited patiently, swaying on his feet with Bunbun protectively held to his chest as he watched his dada with big curious eyes.

As soon as Dream was done, George’s hand was back in his as he was leading him back to their bedroom.

Dream shut the door behind them, and made sure to turn on the nightlight in the corner of the room, then helped George get into bed.

The little giggled happily as small kisses were pressed all over his face, his dada laying next to him now. He cuddled happily into Dream’s side, Bunbun with them.

“Than’ ou, dada!” George grinned, pressing a big kiss to Dream’s cheek.

His smile only grew wider when he heard Dream chuckle lightly.

“You’re welcome, my sweet boy. Now, get some nini, okay? Dada’s got you. Promise.” Dream whispered, pressing a soft kiss to George’s forehead again.

George gasped, then lifted Bunbun to Dream’s face.

“Bunbun need kiss too, dada!” The little spoke.

Dream smiled widely, and gasped as well. “Oh! How could I forget?” He asked, as he leaned and pressed a small kiss to the bunny’s head as well.

“There we go! Bunbun’s got his goodnight kiss too, just like you, Bug.” Dream said softly, his heart melting at the sound of George’s happy giggle and quiet cheer.

“Bunbun n Bug happy now.” George whispered, his head pressing against Dream’s chest. He yawned tiredly, rubbing his eyes with his fist of his left hand.

“Nini, dada..” He whispered, while his eyes were already closed and he felt himself finally falling asleep.

“Nini, baby..” Dream whispered back, his arms protectively around his love, as he too drifted off to sleep.
1252 words

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