Baby Mama P2

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I stood holding the small of my back as I desperately tried to quell the pain. Everything hurt my feet. My ankles. My legs. My hips. My stomach. My back. My shoulders. My neck. Every single part of me was tired and aching and generally unhappy as the baby kicked almost per minute.

"Uhh stop just stop. For five minutes" I complained

"Baby really beating you up today" Benny chuckled from his chair

"I don't know why baby won't settle and sit damn still for five minutes" I sighed

"Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you, Benny"

"Would you like me to run you a bath or a hot shower?"

"No thank you, Benny"

"How about I give you a nice massage?'

"This better not be another excuse"

"No, no excuse A proper massage, Will that make you feel better?"


"Come on then," he says getting up and offering his chair I smiled and took a seat on the chair and he moved to the ottoman over so I could put up my feet and recline "One second," he said, going to our bedroom and he returned kneeling beside the ottoman, with a clean fluffy towel sitting it under my feet on top of the ottoman and a small bottle I was confused at first but he clicked and stretched his fingers a moment before pouring some of the bottles onto his hands and immediately the scent of lemon hit my nose reminding me of the massage oil from the box under our bed he rubbed some on his hands and then poured a little on my feet before he began to rub my swollen feet

"Uhhhhh ummmmm" I smiled as he worked

"That's nice?"

"Ummm" I nodded relaxing as he worked "ummm this is the most pleasurable feeling ever" I smiled

"'re pregnant" he glared


"So I've had sex with you" he complained

"I stand by my statement"

"Thanks, well I have to keep my baby mama happy somehow"

I sat at the table going through the various items that had arrived, Of course, ordering things from catalogues as shopping wasn't really an option as I'm in no mood or ability to walk around a department store. Of course, family and friends had heard the news about the imminent arrival of the baby and sent over boxes of gifts so I was sorting baby clothes and various items that had accumulated Benny was supposed to be helping me but I think he was just kind playing with things currently he sat with a small wooden xylophone attempting to play himself a tune



"Stop playing with the baby toys"

"I'm testing them," he says "I have to check they are adequately mentally stimulating. We want our baby to be a grandmaster by twelve they need smart baby toys" he explained

"I never said I wanted that"

"You didn't. I did"

"Benny, the baby will be smart You don't have to test all the toys"

"I don't know they are only half chess genius," he says and I glared "I'm just testing them If I can use them without hurting myself then they are safe for the baby"

"I don't know babies are pretty dumb"

"True, y/n watch" he laughed before he began to play a tune

"You just wanna play with it"

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