Passenger Princess

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I sat with a wide smile, on the cream bench seat of the little blue beetle. Benny's beetle to be precise. We had loaded our bags and stuffed the poor beetle almost to bursting point and left our little Brooklyn basement to head on the road to Bakersfield California. Benny had a tournament there for a few days and Benny had an 'aversion' to flying, he'll do it but only if he has to. Besides, we both thought it would be a lovely chance to spend time together on a nice road trip. 

We'd been on the road a good while now and we had passed nothing interesting for ages, our fries gone, and snacks depleted. But I know Benny wouldn't stop for a good while longer. Leaving me to sip my huge seven-eleven cola.

The radio on low every so often it would fizzle out where we lost the station so I'd tune it till we found another one, the heating on as it was a rather chilly day, but it too would bounce around given the many places we would pass on this trip.

Benny sat driving, of course, hands on the wheel lazily his hat on the backseat, his jacket still on but he was shuffling and getting uncomfortable in it. Every so often I'd hear his ring clack against the wheel.


"Ummm?" He didn't move his eyes from the road,

"I'm bored" I pouted laying my head on his shoulder,

He chuckled a moment, "Listen to the radio,"

"Radios boring,"

"Read the map,"

"Maps boring,"

"Read the billboards,"

"Billboards are boring,"

"They're interesting, see fireworks in five miles,"

"Can we get fireworks?"

"No princess,"

"Then why is it interesting!" I complained,

"Because... you can see the shop in five miles. So you can get excited now."

"Whoopie! Firework store I can't go in" I sighed, "Why can't I have fireworks?"

"You honestly think I'm gonna trust you with fireworks? Explosives! I don't trust you with butter knives"

"One time I stabbed myself!"

"Yes, and I don't trust you,"

"Then what am I supposed to do all these hours?"

"Just relax and be a cute little passenger princess," He said turning to wrap an arm around me and kiss my head. 

"but I'm bored Benny,"

"You wanna play chess?" He asked with excitement in his voice,

"No. We played chess four times already."

"Well, I'm sure you can find something to do." He chuckled, 

I sighed and tried to relax, I had a nap, I read some billboards but still I was so bored!



"I'm bored."

"I know Princess,"

"How much longer?"

"Sixteen hours?"

"How long till we get food?"

"Another couple of hours we only got McDonald's two hours ago." 

"But I'm hungry,"

"you're not hungry you're bored. You're just trying to find something to do and your response to that is to shove stuff in your mouth," 

Benny Watts ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now