I Don't Need Your Help!

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@ThomaSkandar_Kay gave me the concept for this one.

I hurried away from the busy new york streets with the few things I had gathered from the trash cans and such like. Huddling myself into the alleyway wrapping my body with as many blankets as I could try to huddle away from the rain. As the ice-cold rain dripped down from the tall new york roofs. The cold wind whistled through the alley as water built up and the sky grew dark.

"Hey beautiful, what's the matter?" A man smirked coming close to me

"Leave me alone" I sighed

"Awww come on beautiful. Just a little smile for me" he smirked

"Lay off me creep!" I complained

"Ohh come, come now I was just giving you a compliment thought a little thing like you'd fancy a little sugar" he smirked grabbing my arms

"Get off me!" I screamed

"Hey!" A voice yelled "she said to get off" I looked and saw someone else pulling this man off me "go on. Take a hike" he warned him pushing him away. "Hey? Are you alright little lady?" I looked seeing a man knelt close to me in a long black jacket and a hat he had a speaking of facial hair and sweet brown eyes

"Leave me alone," I told him huddling myself away

"Do you... live out here?" He asked

"None of your business" I answered

"But they said they'll be frost tonight and snow in the morning, you can't stay out here all night you'll freeze to death," he says "Look... My apartment isn't far from here, it's not so much but it's warm and will keep you out the snow and rain" he explained

"I don't need your help," I told him

"Yes you do," He says "Will you please just come with me?"

"I expect you'll be wanting something in return," I said "Well I haven't got any money and don't think you're getting anything else," I told him

"I don't want money, or anything else. I just want to help" He explained "So? Will you come with me?"

"Fine," I sighed. I did want to be out in the cold so I packed my things up and followed him through the busy new york streets till we reached a little basement apartment. He leads me inside the place, it was almost two rooms a bedroom with huge glass windows, a small kitchen space by the walls, some chairs around a table where a chess board sat, some odd sofa looking things, around a coffee table, a shower in the corner, and a small toilet room in the corner.

"I did say it wasn't much," he says sorting his stuff "But it's better than out there"

"Where will I sleep?" I asked "There's no sofa"

"I did say living room," he says going to his bedroom a moment and returning to the living room unfolding an airbed and starting to pump it up with his foot

"You're being very nice to me"

"Well I didn't want you outside in the snow, with all those horrible people" he explained

"Boys never give anything without wanting something in return," I said

"Look, can you accept my help? Or you can go out into the snow and rain and bastard people out there" He explained "here, get yourself sorted"

He went off to his table sorting things out, so I organized what little I had

"I uhh I don't even know your name"

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